19th November 2018
The fat, the kidneys, and the liver!
Is the Holy Spirit able to execute this role in our lives?
Viviane Freitas’ articles
19th November 2018
Is the Holy Spirit able to execute this role in our lives?
1st December 2017
Hello everyone today’s another day we’re talking about Jacob’s life.
I consider this campaign very special it has renewed our faith because I see it as an opportunity to revolutionize, and a way of getting ready for the coming of the Lord Jesus.
30th November 2017
Hello everyone today is Saturday and we’re here again to talk about Jacob’s life.
29th November 2017
Hello everyone, it’s a pleasure to be here with you.
28th November 2017
Hello everyone, we are talking about Jacob’s life.
I am very happy for you that have been with us since the beginning, because those who start and go until the end have a goal to reach.
27th November 2017
Hello, we’re already on the 16th day talking about Jacob’s life. The big day is getting near where we’ll be presenting our sacrifice to God.
24th November 2017
Hello! We are on Day 15 talking about Jacob’s life.
23rd November 2017
Hello, again everyone, we’re on the 14th day talking about Jacob’s life.
22nd November 2017
Hello, we are on the 13th day talking about Jacob’s life.
21st November 2017
Hello everyone we’re on Day 12 talking about Jacob’s life.
We are well aware that we need to sacrifice, but we must also pay attention to our behavior: