1st August 2017
There I was in Portugal, little by little, getting all my things organized.
This is an example of a Note
1st August 2017
There I was in Portugal, little by little, getting all my things organized.
25th July 2017
I felt like a little girl in front of such a great responsibility.
18th July 2017
While I was rushing to get everything done I received a gift.
11th July 2017
But it was not over yet … He continued to surprise me and sent me a sign…
4th July 2017
I was still in that phase where everything was against me.
27th June 2017
At that time when so many things were going against me, I tried to hold on to those good times.
20th June 2017
I learned a lot in England, especially with the challenges I faced.
13th June 2017
With faith, I was learning how to give myself in each area at a time.
6th June 2017
My sister, who started the Woman’s program was always in touch with me to help me improve.
30th May 2017
It’s hard to imagine what the Work of God is like if you are not part of it.