Going back to the Past – 9th Part

Viviane Freitas

  • 1
  • Sep
  • 2015

Going back to the Past – 9th Part

  • 1
  • Sep
  • 2015

South Africa was a country where I stayed in for a year and a half. It was the country where my errors were shown to me, concerning what was inside of me, beyond the jealousy that I discovered in Portugal.

I was in Johannesburg two times and in Cape Town two times as well within the one year and a half that I was in the country.

Right in the beginning of my arrival in South Africa, things happened that were the most difficult to handle, and came with very deep roots. One of which came from a comment where a wife had said, “Wow your mom likes your sister more than you! She is so close to your sister!” The comment went something along those lines in relation to my sister and I.

Upon hearing those words, it was like a shot to my heart.

I became desperately sad. My facial expressions changed and I went to my room to cry. The more I cried,  the more nothing happened to resolve the hole that was inside of me. The wife’s words sounded so true, because in reality when my eyes observed what was around me, I saw my mom’s happiness, the way she spoke with Cris; she got along better with her than with me.

Wow, how those words created roots! I never in my life heard anyone say that. I believed in the wife’s words. Those words opened my eyes to evil.

That night Júlio asked me what was wrong, I was so sad. I told him what the wife said, and he said that I should take that question to my parents.

And I actually went to their bedroom at night, knocked on the door, and I entered ready to let off some steam. I entered in tears. And worried they asked me, “What happened?”

When they asked me, I asked them, “Dad, Mom, do you love Cris more than me?”

They were surprised at the question and the way that I was determined to vent and talk.

And they said, “No, my daughter, we love you both equally.” And I said, “The wife said that mom loves Cris more than me!”

Immediately my father, furious, asked, “Who told you that? Tell me!”

And I said who it was. And he rebuked the dirty thoughts that were in my head, that were malicious.

Incredible! I never thought of it that way, but when I heard the wife’s comment, I really came to hear and believe and notice that everything was testifying to what the wife had said.

The next day, my father scolded the wife.

And in fact, my parents were happy when Cris arrived. It was actually the first time that the family was altogether, reunited after we, the daughters, had gotten married.

My parents had already lived with me. But it was the first time that Cris lived with us.

It was normal, after months, to celebrate and express happiness to Cris, The nostalgia was too much.

And it went away, the impression I had.

The devil is smart. He knows that everything depends on how we see the situation. Sometimes we don’t see, but he uses people to bring words of death, just so we can have bad eyes and to separate us from the Light.

“The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light, but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!”  (Matthew 6: 22-23)

And in a situation like this, it is well defined in who we prioritize: the Word of God or the wife’s words.

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29 comentários

  1. Wow this shows how we need to be watchful so that we do not pass death to others. If the wife was watchful she would have considered her words carefully before allowing her self to be used by the devil.
    It is also important for us to analyse our selves and see what is separating us from the light. Thanks Mrs Viviane.

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  2. Words are so powerful that it can kill or even destroy your life and it all depends on how we take it , Thank God that your father rebuked the words and set you free from these words that would have remained in you and caused you pain and resentment against your sister

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  3. This is so true, if we are not watchful the devil will easily use someone to bring words that if we are not careful it will be carried inside of us. After reading this post made me think about something and now I know why I have been carrying a thought it my mind, I Have changed alot, but because of a comment that was said to me like, if I would do something that I would recognise that I shouldn’t of said or I acted I would hear that is not christian of you. And that would make me feel bad. And other comments like you are doing really well but there is still alot of room for you to change. Wow how I love it when God uses a post like these to reveal things to me. And I was actually starting to believe those words. This has taught me to be watchful. And not allow words that especially don’t bring nothing to my spiritual life stay inside of me. God bless you

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  4. Very strong Mrs Viviane, this happened to me too.
    The devil is clever ended, he uses people and situations to create a huge storm in our mind, but you don’t see it coming because he goes slowly slowly until the big heavy grey cloud is formed!
    Your posts have being helping me so much, your so sincerity towards God, how truthful your words are, they pass spirit! I’m thankful God can use your life to bless us!

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  5. Thank you for your post.
    This experience you had really taught me a lot. There are many times that things are said that truly hurt us… But it is up to us if we will accept or rebuke them.

    God Bless

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  6. This message is so true, in that I used to think that my sisters were more favoured by my mother. Especially of the trauma that I faced as a child.

    It can be so easy to allow negative words or thoughts to enter our minds, heart and life. Distorting what we already know to be different.
    We need to constantly have our spiritual alarms checked and turned on, otherwise we can find ourselves with extra unwanted baggage (sin) Therefore jeopardising our salvation.

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