Assistant, what are the works of Faith

Luisa Teixeira

  • 10
  • Sep
  • 2015

Assistant, what are the works of Faith

  • 10
  • Sep
  • 2015

Attending a meeting where they spoke of the Faith without works, I thought to myself, “This is a very serious subject and it’ll be an excellent post for the assistants.” And here I am writing to you on this subject, so you can open your spiritual eyes in relation to the Work of God.

The truth is that when we talk about Works, what comes to mind for many is that they are linked to miracles, attending, evangelization, casting out demons, that deep down are very important and should be motivated. However, if they were carried out without the actual works, which God requires of each of us—they are worth nothing!

But after all, what Works are the ones that God expects of us?

Notice what is written:

” You foolish person, do you want evidence that faith without deeds is useless? Was not our father Abraham considered righteous for what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? “(James 2: 20,21)?

Now bear with me: What miracles; what demons were cast out; what evangelization did Abraham do?!

He made the greatest of all miracles, which was to live a life of Obedience, Sacrifice, Surrendering and of Word. That is why he is considered the Father of our Faith! These are the works that truly please God!

Now I ask: Have you truly and in fact practiced these works, or are they just in your consciousness?

I await your comment.

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28 comentários

  1. This is so true the work of God it start within us and this is why if we are not living a life of sacrifice, obedience and to be humble to recognised and change. This will be the only time the work of God is done in us we can focus on the outside part when we are taking good care of what inside of us thank you.

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  2. I’m not an assistant but that’s my aim to make sure I obey God in every way and remain focus, by reading this it was an extra boost.
    Thank you

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  3. Hello, Mrs Viviane
    This really helped me to understand ehat faith without works meant because every time I thought of it, the word action and movements would come to my mind but, I learnt there are the works but, the true works are obedience, sacrifice, surrending and the word of God. I may not be an assistant yet but, I am a servant of God and I don’t want to be someone the does the works without the faith and this also helps me as, I prepare myself to be an assistant. Thank you for sharing.

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  4. Hello Mrs Viviane.

    I am not an assistant, but this really helped me a lot and has really opened my mind. I must have inside of me the aim of pleasing God but what truly please him which is obedience at the end of the day.

    Thank you for sharing this.

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  5. This is so true grudges is like a really poison cancer, and I have seen how it can destroy a family, when we are are also proud it hard to let go.
    But when we forgive its like a healer, it feel like a big bages, has lifted your shoulders ,and its allso a sign of humbles because its not easy but it the way to protect your salvation.

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  6. Wow. I had to re read this because it was so strong and I really wanted to get the meaning not information. I am one of these people whose works are sometimes in my mind rather than really put into practice but after this I’ve learnt that we can do the physical work but if there is no life of sacrifice the physical work is limited and pointless

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