Grudge, grudge what do I want you for?
- 11
- Sep
- 2015
A grudge is so evil that it can pass from a mother to a child, without her not even noticing it.
I always compare a grudge to cancer, which keeps on sprawling and destroying people. It’s a feeling that only hurts those who feel and keep it, capable of ruining a future, preventing from reaching dreams, frustrating objectives and most importantly, it can lead to the loss of salvation.
Dear Mom, whatever the situation may have been, it’ll never be worth keeping this feeling, as a form of revenge. Understand once and for all, that who loses is only you. And as if that weren’t enough, you even convey all this dirtiness to your child that could and certainly deserves a healthy spiritually life, free of all this evil.
Forgiveness brings freedom! Thus, free yourself and your child, take action and sacrifice this feeling, because this sacrifice is what will ensure your faith.
Lynda Akarovwe (London,Edmonton)
30th September 2015 at 21:27
I totally agreed with this post. No child should be exposed to the grudges of their parents. Life is challenging enough without inheriting grudges from parents.
We must allow our children to make their own judgements even as we pray for God’s guidance in their lives.
30th September 2015 at 9:19
For me I need to be the one to not hold anything inside of my heart against my mum. Doesn’t matter what she may do or say I need to show to her that it’s not worth it.
Jasreen Cargill
28th September 2015 at 13:31
This is so strong! As as daughter I have to not hold on to things my parents have done but forgive as Jesus would want us too
28th September 2015 at 6:13
It so true a the only person a grudge hurts is the one who feels it. Usally because in the majority of cases the product of the grudge is not even aware of it. So which the other is suffering holding a big weight on their sholders the product is free. Grudges dont help anyone so why accept something that will not help or add to ones life. Thanks for the post very interesting to read.