Assistant, what are the works of Faith
- 10
- Sep
- 2015
Attending a meeting where they spoke of the Faith without works, I thought to myself, “This is a very serious subject and it’ll be an excellent post for the assistants.” And here I am writing to you on this subject, so you can open your spiritual eyes in relation to the Work of God.
The truth is that when we talk about Works, what comes to mind for many is that they are linked to miracles, attending, evangelization, casting out demons, that deep down are very important and should be motivated. However, if they were carried out without the actual works, which God requires of each of us—they are worth nothing!
But after all, what Works are the ones that God expects of us?
Notice what is written:
” You foolish person, do you want evidence that faith without deeds is useless? Was not our father Abraham considered righteous for what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the altar? “(James 2: 20,21)?
Now bear with me: What miracles; what demons were cast out; what evangelization did Abraham do?!
He made the greatest of all miracles, which was to live a life of Obedience, Sacrifice, Surrendering and of Word. That is why he is considered the Father of our Faith! These are the works that truly please God!
Now I ask: Have you truly and in fact practiced these works, or are they just in your consciousness?
I await your comment.
22nd April 2016 at 0:00
True , so true the other day the Pastor at our church was speaking about the very same thing, It is our Obediance to God and communion with Him that gives us the certainty for follow with out question, whether it be to sacrifice or to follow.
Michelle Ramirez
21st April 2016 at 3:49
“Obedience, Sacrifice, Surrendering and of Word” very true these factors are very important in the life of an assistant. Without them our work becomes pointless. Thank you so much for reminding me the most important works of a real person pf God. Definitely will put in practice more and will work to always have them!
4th April 2016 at 5:07
I need to practice to be obedient and to use my faith more.
Lynda Akarovwe (London,Edmonton)
30th September 2015 at 21:13
So true, works without faith is nothing. Obedience and trust in God is what we need to practice daily.