#6 What to surrender?

Viviane Freitas

  • 10
  • Jun
  • 2016

#6 What to surrender?

  • 10
  • Jun
  • 2016

6th day – 10th June | Friday | Matthew 2:7-8

Then Herod called the Magi secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared. He sent them to Bethlehem and said, “Go and search carefully for the child. As soon as you find him, report to me, so that I too may go and worship him.”

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12 comentários

  1. Thanks Mrs Vivian for your effort
    Am so happy to be part of this Daniel’s fasting and your messages are very encouraging it makes it go easier.. I am really loving it!

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  2. God please let be my intetion holy let me focus in my relationship with u let me focus on your spirit and not on my daily problems amen

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  3. I think it’s a beautiful opportunity to be a part of this fast. It is true, Gid prepared this fast for each one of us. During this time I will say God is most certainly showing me things I need to change, these audio have been speaking to me in such a great way. Thank you for these wise words.

    I’ve been truly examining the reasons I want to serve and how I have been serving. Ensuring that my intentions are what they should be and if something is not what I thought it was, I feel the way you mentioned, not sad but aware of things I need to change and yes it brings pain, but it’s important for me to now mix this with emotions and start feeling bad to remain flexible, humble and obedient over all. God bless you Mrs. Vivi!

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  4. I feel like I’m becoming more aware of myself, thoughts and my surroundings.

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  5. I am starting to see a change in me. The way I think, act and manage things is different from how I used to do before the fast began. I’m spending much time with God and its really great as I even get inspired by him. I am not going to do this only because I’m in the fast, even if it ends I will still draw closer and closer to Him. Thank you for the daily messages Mrs Viviane. ?

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  6. Good day Mrs. Viviane,
    During this 21days fast of Daniel what happened to me is that when I read a verse from the Bible even when I’m at home or inside the church and meditate about ask about God’s wisdom for me to understand it more then when I will read blog of you or from Bishop Macedo there the verse that I read it is the same and I’m thankful for God for this.

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