#10 What to surrender?

Viviane Freitas

  • 14
  • Jun
  • 2016

#10 What to surrender?

  • 14
  • Jun
  • 2016

10th day – 14th June | Tuesday | Matthew 2:12

And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route.”

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12 comentários

  1. GOD doesn’t speak through dreams anymore.

    But he will always protect his children.

    He will use a man or woman of GOD, good friends and family members, and even work collgeues.

    It’s so important to be sensitive to His voice and obey.

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  2. was really thinking even though GOD can not warn me through dreams anymore.

    However GOD can use the Holy Spirit to give me discernment.

    You see GOD is actually amazing!! GOD will always give me signs and warning, even if have to take a longer routa just as I do not return to “Herod aka the Devil”.

    However the choice at the end of day all depends on me and my communal with my LORD Jesus.

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  3. God will do whatever it takes to protect me. It may of been long for them to take that route but they had to obey God in order to be safe.

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  4. Whenever God warns me of a wrong path impeding me to please Him I should be keen and change to what does please Him for that’s what makes me His child. “Obedience”.

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  5. Hello miss Vivi ,for me I was facing a hard time and i didn’t accept the reality and I have cry a lot why I don’t know ,then i said to myself it an opportunity to get up and stop cares about other but focus on the fast of Daniel ,then I decided to sacrifice all things try to distract me was so hard ,so hard I was crying ,I sacrifice my Isaac and I said to God ,look I was to stay with you till the end I don’t want to lose you I dint want to stay away from you ,if you have ask me that becoz you know be better and I was to stay focus in my fasting give my body and soul ,grow more in my spiritual life,analysed myself and accept what God want from me ,am telling am free and thank God I have been this hard time ,has build me more stronger and I don’t want to give up myself spirituel life no .. Focus and obey to God

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  6. During this 21 days I have been focused on everyone else but myself when I decided to focus on myself is when God starting showing me who I was I would be looking around to see who received but wasn’t even making sure I received myself I have spent so long comparing myself to others I don’t know how to act or talk anymore I made sure I spoke and acted like everyone else because I wanted to be like them

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