#5 What to surrender?

Viviane Freitas

  • 9
  • Jun
  • 2016

#5 What to surrender?

  • 9
  • Jun
  • 2016

5th day – 9th June | Thrusday | Matthew 2:4-6

When he had called together all the people’s chief priests and teachers of the law, he asked them where the Messiah was to be born. “In Bethlehem in Judea,” they replied, “for this is what the prophet has written: “‘But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.

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12 comentários

  1. This Bible verse I read it differently.

    Jesus was called to be the ruler of my life, therefore His will is before mine!

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  2. One thing that came into my mind is what is my intention of knowing Jesus or being revived.

    The king intention to know where Jesus was is to kill Him. Not to know or be revived.

    It doesn’t matter what position I am in, but I must always have a pure mind set and my intention must be pure!

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  3. I had to go back to verse to and read this.

    I am learning a lot from these simple Bible verses. One thing I am learning is that whenever something great is about to happen in my life, especially spiritually speaking. The devil becomes disturb he plans in ways to attack me. I believe the people that King Herod had planned to meet with wanted to kill Jesus.

    Also, through reading this I always need to check what is my intentions. When I hear things or do things for GOD, is it because I generally want to get closer to Him. These people that asked and had these meeting didn’t want to get close GOD at all. I they did I would of heard stories about them.

    But it’s verse 6 that really stood out for me. I need to believe that good things will come out from me. It’s in the word of GOD therefore I will out GOD to the TEST.

    Even though they didn’t meet in a good way, through thIs verse I learned that I need to not just believe in the word of GOD but also in the prophet. If the prophet sees that I will be used then indeed I will be used.

    A ruler will come from you who will shepherd for my people in Israel.

    I am going to change this to me and wood green.

    A ruler will come from me who will shepherd for my people in wood green.

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  4. One thing that came into my mind, is that whenever I want to know something. I need to always check that my I want to know it for the right intentions. I can’t have evil intentions many people want to know things for evil intentions.

    Also the last verse was really for to know that GOD has chosen me and he will use me. I may see like the least before society but however in the eyes of God he has a special plan for me.

    Also I can’t be that one more Christian that is full of information. I will become religous, the wise men knew of GOD but wanted to seek him not just to know Him by name. His is why Herod had such a bitter.

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