Youth: Busy youth

Viviane Freitas

  • 22
  • Sep
  • 2014

Youth : Busy youth

  • 22
  • Sep
  • 2014

This last week was one of the busiest weeks for me.

I had many situations to resolve, many unforeseen events happening, etc.

I spent most of my time running around doing things and when I looked at the clock I saw that the whole day had gone by. I got the feeling of being always late and in debt to the people who needed my answers.
A week went by too fast and when I stopped to think about how the next week would be, I realized it would be even busier and I would not have enough time to do everything I needed to do. I remembered an experience I had, a while ago, a similar situation:
I stopped everything, literally, and talked with God. I asked Him to help me, but as I prayed I realized something very dangerous: You know when two people have not seen each other for a really long time and suddenly find themselves on the street? “Oh I missed you! How long has it been?…” Well, that was the feeling I had at that moment, talking to God. It seemed that I haven’t talked with Him in such a long time, even though I had been praying before my meals and have spoken with Him in church meetings.

But why does this happen?

When our mind is occupied with many things, our spirit is not available to speak with God. We don’t hear Him. We can only hear what we want to hear (which is not always what we need). We only look at our own “little world” and we lose sight of what God wants. If our mind is full of worries, anxieties, and uncertainties we can’t hear God. There is too much noise in our head to hear Him!
How often do you arrived late for the church meeting and you participate, but don’t take anything new with you? You come in with all your worries from outside, and because you are late you becomes anxious and frustrated with yourself. With so many unexpressed feelings how can you hear God?

One of the things I learned to do is separate my time for Him. It is just like when we have an exam or an important meeting and need to prepare before hand. Before I talk to God, go to the meeting, or meditate on the Word I try to empty my mind of all my worries and thoughts and the things I have to do.

(Normally a coffee break, a relaxing bath, or going out alone gives me the time to do this… lol)

He is the Lord, for Him I am always available!

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25 comentários

  1. This is exactly what i needed to hear this morning, its something recently i really saw in myself as a youth with so much responsibilities and things to do time. Through making time for God, slowing down i was really able to allow myself to do Gods will and not my own. But what i really spoke to me was before reading the bible, or meditating offloading all my worries and stress so God can truly speak to me with no distractions. Thanks for the sharing.

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  2. Thank you Silvia… This is a revelation that shows that God dont care of what we are doing but he checks the motives of our hearts whenever we do things religiously God wont be there anymore, we will go to the church almost everyday but we will be lost and very far from God. Thank Mrs Silvia you I know what you talking about and being far from God is bad, worse when we are inside the church.

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  3. Wow thank you Mrs Vivian. I have been facing similar problem lately, I’ve asked God to help me with a certain situation but I have occupied my mind with other things. I need to clear my mind and give Him my focus if I want to hear the answer I need from Him.

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  4. This was so nice, it’s so easy to make ourselves busy and I’m turn we lose sight of the things of God and then when we do try to go back like you said Mrs Silvia it’s as if you’ve just bumped into that old friend. Honestly I’m going to take this on board and make time even when there seems there’s none.

    Thank you xx

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  5. Thank you Mrs freitas..this is true and is happening even in me where your mind becomes to occupied with so many things that now when you have to talk to God,your physical body is there but your spiritual self is not….this is very strong……

    Rsa-port elizabeth

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  6. Thank you Mrs Silvia. This happened to me as well. i becane so busy that I thought everything in my spiritual life was okay..I learnt that I should always make time for God and time to invest in my spiritual life.

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