- 11
- Aug
- 2014
Youth : Who are you, when you are alone?
- 11
- Aug
- 2014
While reading the story of David I was meditating on the fact that he killed a lion and a bear with his bare hands to save one of his sheep.
This made me think about how small details demonstrate our true character.
He was alone and didn’t have to save that sheep! I’m sure his father would have rather let the bear take a sheep then run the risk of his own child being hurt. But why did David risk his own life even though he didn’t have to prove anything to any one or be a hero?
It’s in the small details and what we do when we are alone that show who we are at heart.
I remember when I was in the youth group; I was responsible for cleaning the bathrooms of the church once a week. There was a cleaning schedule for some of the youths and I remember being alone in that bathroom. After the morning service and lots of people having used it (you can only imagine how it was, lol) I cleaned it like if the Lord Jesus were to sit there. I cleaned it with alcohol and perfumed products even though I knew that bathroom would get dirty again in an hour I didn’t care! There, alone, I was grateful for the privilege of serving God. During the week, although I wasn’t on the schedule I would go in there to clean. Quietly I took in some products and cleaned, no one knew I was there. I came and went in silence. It was just God and I. I didn’t want anyone to see me so that they could approve of my actions. I just wanted to please God.
It wasn’t the mere act of cleaning the bathroom that blessed me, but it was the dedication and fear that I presented to God.
Those who truly want to please Him do the same. They seek to please Him in the smallest details, in the things nobody sees or appreciates, but to Him are small demonstrations of love and surrender.
“But you, when you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so that you do not appear to men to be fasting, but to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly”(Matthew 6:17)
What do you when you are alone to prove that you love God?
flavianicole ( UCKG uganda )
14th October 2014 at 13:11
mrs VIVIE, I have learnt to truly to please GOD in the smallest details, in the things nobody sees or appreciates, but to Him are small demonstrations of love and surrender. HUGS.
Carmen Reyes
13th October 2014 at 15:44
After reading your blog Mrs. Freitas I sat quietly trying to think of things that I practice doing that no one can “see or appreciate.” At first I couldn’t think of much. But God willingly I realized that I do practice this! I live in a full house and share a room. Since I’m the first one to wake up I quietly sit in the bathroom and read my bible for 20-25minutes before I start my day.
In addition at work I always do my job 110%. Though not for any self-merit or recognition.
Being a godllywood female has helped me practice to do things for the Lord and not for any praise or appreciation. Thank you Mrs. Freitas for helping me recognize the importance of how “small details demonstrate our true character,” much blessings!
nokwanda nandipha mphumanto
2nd October 2014 at 11:01
Is very powerfull mrs Vivan this is what a person should serve at all times
Dondo Direng
8th September 2014 at 21:22
Honestly I have learnt that at the end of the day impressing the pastor’s wives will not grant me my salvation but to impress God will grant me erternity
*kisses* 🙂
Crisalys Vasquez
22nd August 2014 at 4:05
It is important that God see what we do not so much men. In the end it only matters how God sees us and what he thinks of us and not what other people think.
Ms guni
14th August 2014 at 21:55
I learnt this the first time I came to the house of Hod to serve The Lord not people the best thing that ever happened to me.
Am grateful.