The worst person in the world and God’s forgiveness!

Viviane Freitas

  • 21
  • Jun
  • 2013

The worst person in the world and God’s forgiveness!

  • 21
  • Jun
  • 2013

“Manasseh was twelve years old when he became king, and he reigned fifty-five years in Jerusalem.  But he did evil in the sight of the Lord, according to the abominations of the nations…”(II Cr.33.1, 2)

Today, we see this situation repeat itself: Many people without spiritual maturity are “reigning” in their churches, homes, jobs, etc.

And often these types of people are seen as “references” among others. We must not forget that even Manasseh who committed many atrocities was accepted and followed by the people of Jerusalem (they represent the Church). And He reigned for many years in a cruel way.
This proves that the time a person has in Church “reigns “doesn’t mean that they are spiritual. However, they will continue being either a good or bad “reference” to others.

Today, people that have the same spirit that Manasseh possessed continue to influence others in a negative way, making them think that, “You don’t need to be a Spiritual person to be accepted by others.” This is because they themselves are living in the flesh and have reigned for so many years!

Their true desires are mostly hidden inside themselves. Nobody sees them, but they have a bad nature!
Whatever they do or plan is for their own benefit and never to please God.

How can this type of people be detected?

Within the place of reign, he or she counsels, rebukes, and exhorts people, in order to maintain their appearance, but inside they are full of abominations that nobody can see. When they’re away from the place of reign all that appearance and behavior boils down to nothing.

The altar represents God and we the offering. Therefore, never forget that everything we do, the decisions we make, and what we offer to Him also represent our offering.

In order to receive a change in your life, there must be a plea of anguish. That person must hit rock bottom and see their mistakes as something afflicting and from hell, only then will there be a true change! And this anxiety is not because of what others think of you, but because of the state in which you find yourself.

You must humble yourself before God and recognize your true situation. Only then God becomes in your favor.

Only after you have gone through this and prove that you recognize God as your Lord, can you provoke a complete turn around in your life!

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3 comentários

  1. Thanks for the message mrs Vivi indeed if we are not well spiritually, it means what ever we offer in the Alter of God authomatically is defiled, so we need to clean ourself & fully repend so that we may be pleasant & acceptable before God.

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  2. Very strong message. It is also an eye-opener!

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  3. We shouldn’t allow other people’s negativity to influence us and to have an affect on our spiritual lives. I should definitely be more alert of the company I keep around me. Thanks for sharing!

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