Put God to the test

Viviane Freitas

  • 24
  • Jun
  • 2013

Put God to the test

  • 24
  • Jun
  • 2013

Hello everyone, it’s a pleasure to be here and to take part in your life, entering your home, and work, through this Biblical message, which is a source of strength.

“Therefore let the Lord be judge, and judge between you and me, and see and plead my case, and deliver me out of your hand.” (ISm.24: 15)

After David was consecration as king of Israel, Saul began to chase him. Apparently, David was facing an injustice in his life. If he was already king, why didn’t God make his life easier by making him immediately reign over Israel?

We can compare the difficulties and injustices we face to egg whites, the more you beat them, the more they grow! Know that during those times God is molding you, even if you weren’t expecting it. David didn’t ask to be king, but God knew who he was and that drew His attention. But God still didn’t make it any easier.

God allowed David to conquer the kingdom to prove the potential that was inside of him and to show the kind of faith and communion he had with God. In order to make it a known fact that he was anointed and chosen by God, he had to face many difficulties.

David proved to everyone that he was worthy of becoming king!

He wasn’t simply placed in the palace and began his reign; he had to conquer it first!

Sometimes you think, “I’m facing an injustice in my life.” But you and I, we have to conquer and overcome it. That will show through our behavior our confidence and belief in God.

When we truly believe, we don’t have to rely on God saying “yes” or to reign in a “kingdom” where everyone has to submit to you, like in David and Saul’s time. David could’ve thought the same about Saul, because God had consecrated him king. But he didn’t! David was humble, he said, ” Therefore let the Lord be judge.”

When a person doesn’t “owe” anything to anyone, he or she puts God to the test. Now, when they owe something like: a hidden sin, bad conduct or have been unrighteous then they are weak. Those are examples we have already spoken about in this Blog.
That person is not able to put God to the test, he or she can’t risk it by talking to God with such audacity, because they see themselves in debt, and this debt is with the devil!

Everyone should evaluate themselves. If you do, you’ll be investing in your inner being.
But, by pointing fingers at others and not investing on yourself, you will only condemn yourself to have bad eyes. You will cancel out whom you really are by looking at how others are investing on themselves.

David didn’t become King until he proved himself before God, proving he could really dominate his feelings and depended only on God.

When he faced difficulties, he didn’t go to his parents or siblings for help. No! He turned to God. This is how a righteous person behaves: He or she has a partnership with God.

A big hug. Until next time.

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12 comentários

  1. Thank you, now I can see more that sin make one weak, freely I cannot talk to God when I have sinned.

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  2. Thanks for the post

    This message is indeed eye opening as it is true with a heavy conscience we can not approach God’s Throne that is why we have to rid ourselfs of all that make us dirty so that when we have troubles we may be able to put God to test.

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  3. When I facing problem or I am okay. I have confidence to test God. It is very good to be connected with God. When you put God test and obey his commandment, you can demand everything to God. Thanks Mrs.

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  4. David was a choosen leader by God who had the fear of the Lord inside him.He didn’t rebel against authority although he had the power to do anything against saul bt he knew was the one to judge.When our conciense is clean we are bold to enough to put God into test bt when its unclean we are weak,guilty and cannot be able to demand Gods justice.So friends lets live a life of sacrifice so that we may be able to put God into test in difficult moments.Thank Miss Viviane and God bless you!

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  5. Its about whats on the inside. We have to turn to God in all tines. When thinga get hard go straight to him dobt waste time asking someone who isnt able to give tou a direct answer. God speaks to ua but its up to us to listen. Some things we hust have take initiative. God wants us to use our faith and know that whatever we do he is right there protwcting us.

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  6. Thankyou. When I go through problems I first have to have a clear conscience and not be in any ‘debt with the devil’, so I can speak to God with confidence and put Him to the test when needs be. I see again it’s very important to have a partnership with God and turn to Him in all diffuculties.

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