Is your health really important?

Bárbara Filipe

  • 19
  • Aug
  • 2015

Is your health really important?

  • 19
  • Aug
  • 2015

If someone would be asked “Is your health important,” their immediate response would be “of course!

However, we are going to review some important points that everyone should pay attention to:

  • How long has it been since you’ve had a general medical evaluation?
  • What’s your workday like?
  • How much time do you have to reflect on life?
  • How do you enjoy family time?
  • What do you do with your free time?
  • How long has it been since you’ve had some time for yourself?

Have you already answered the questions?

What did you find out? Maybe you noticed that you haven’t taken care of yourself like you should, even though you know how important your health is.

Our body needs attention, care, entertainment and distraction.
Your probably saying: “But my job is very demanding… When I get home I have to do everything and my children never stop; I barely have time to sleep, let alone time for me!”

But, none of these situations make you a machine, immune to deterioration.

So what should you do about it? Change!

Think of solutions and new strategies, begin to take action, change habits, but don’t just stand there and watch life pass you by!

“How?” you ask: If your job is demanding and leaves you with no patience, then play some music while you work, the instrumental type that helps you relax and think more clearly. If this is not a possibility then rearrange your work tasks, and check if there are other ways to fulfill your tasks.
At home if you have a lot of tasks, then organize them by days; rearrange your habits so that they become healthier.

If it seems like there isn’t enough time, then STOP and evaluate your priorities, then figure out what is truly important and what is just a waste of time … Eliminated unnecessary things that are not important so that you can make more time for yourself.

Our brain directs our body so if your body is tired or overwhelmed then everything else can be a burden.

Now returning to the topic at hand, if your health in fact is important to you then take action! Examine what is consuming all your time!

Until next time!

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5 comentários

  1. Thank you for these tips. I realise how much I do not look after my own health.

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  2. Miss to be honest it’s very important to have your time and a time for you to go and waste it but use is a time to think. Miss I’ve never realised this until I saw the result, when we think we get more energy, we are always we’ll organised, we hardly make mistakes etc… Time to think is as important as when you take your daily food.

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  3. Thank you so much for this helpful tips, I will definately take notes!

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  4. This is so true our response would alway be yes but yet still I find myself neglecting me health and body. So reading this as taught me steps that I can put into action make sure am taking care of my body needs

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  5. This has been a gentle reminder for me. Thing I have began to eat healthy, run etc I have not cared about getting a check up and this what I need to do. I’ve been recently working on some me time and gave really been enjoying it. I am a temple of the Holy Spirit so I must look after myself.

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