Family: The biggest rival

Andreia Petrucci

  • 13
  • May
  • 2015

Family : The biggest rival

  • 13
  • May
  • 2015

“My biggest ” rival ” is my husband who betrays me, that does not value me…”

“My biggest ” rival ” is my co-worker, that envies and pursues me…”

“My biggest ” rival ” is my boss, who does not recognize my value.”

“My past has been a major “rival “… I can not seem to move on.”

“The heart is my worst “rival “; at every moment it fools me, making me make bad decisions…”

Maybe you have identified yourself with some of the examples above or remembered about your own “rival”.
But could it be that we are really focused on the root of the problem?

Even if you say, “No! I cry every day, day and night, because I do not accept this situation, I go to church, pray, ask God…!”

So why are you still bitter?

A woman, Anna, lived upset for many years for not being able to be a mother. Her bitterness was such that her “rival”, knowing how to get to her, continuously teased her.

Even being the wife of a priest and going up to the temple to sacrifice, nothing consoled her…

“… So it was, year by year, when she went up to the house of the Lord, that she provoked her; therefore she wept and did not eat. ” (I Sm.1: 7)

What brings us to focus on “others” or give in to the pressure of the circumstances even as Christians and supposedly being “active” in the Church?


The excess anxiety in wanting to resolve situations with the human “capacity” neutralizes faith!
You do not need to be a very sentimental person … It is enough just one feeling – that you may even consider harmless – to create its own “offspring”: inferiority complex, weakness, frailty, allowing your ” I ” to become stronger and more evident than the value of faith.
Our “defenses” remain low and at the mercy of the “enemy”!

But there was a time when Anna realized that her biggest “rival” was not on the outside, characterized by a person or by the “impossibility” of the situation, but by the lack of attitudes of faith … a faith that she already knew, but so far, had kept inactive!

And when this happened, she forgot the physical “rivals” and focused on whom she could actually change and begin to “generate”: She herself!

It does not matter, my friend, who does not change in favor of you; if your husband, children or boss make your life difficult… It has nothing to do with them, but with you! What is your faith?

” Then she made a vow and said, “O Lord of hosts, if You will indeed look on the affliction of Your maidservant and remember me, and not forget Your maidservant, but will give Your maidservant a male child, then I will give him to the Lord all the days of his life, and no razor shall come upon his head.” (I Sm.1: 11).

When Ana went to the Altar, the only place that could give her the answer, she did not care about whether she was alone or accompanied, but in pouring out her soul before God’s presence. And her vote sealed the covenant! It was the assurance she needed to ensure the end of her bitterness of spirit.

Did she leave the Temple “pregnant” or with a child in her arms? No! But she had already “conceived” in spirit through her 100% surrendering in the Altar of God.
And when this happens, there is trust, there is power, there is life … And whatever the circumstances, this will determine what will follow!

When Anna decided to go to the altar, she did it alone, left everything behind and reacted according to her response. And God gave her far beyond what she asked for!

To overcome our own “rivals” we cannot blame anyone, we have to go towards the Altar and move forward without bitterness of spirit!

Are you willing to do this? Then share with us your experience!

It is always a privilege to hear from you…


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2 comentários

  1. My rival is my emotions, which neutralise faith.

    See more
  2. The power of the vow indeed works
    and Anna is one of the example of faith and m really working hard to overcome.

    See more