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- Feb
- 2015
Day 7 – How to worship God?
- 4
- Feb
- 2015
Hello to all the cybernauts, It’s a pleasure to be here with you, reading all the comments, and your participation in saying everything that is going on during this fast.
It’s very gratifying to be together and it does me some good to read a little of your story, your life, and what is within you.
Well, we talked for a few days about the Samaritan woman. Yesterday, I talked about the comment that was read but on Monday we talked precisely of the Samaritan woman—when she asked Jesus for living water. When she asked for living water, Jesus told her to call her husband…He touched her in her wound, and she said “Yes, I have no husband,” and when she assumed her condition, Jesus said, “You have well said …you’ve had five husbands, and the man you have now is not yours.”
It means that He knew her past.
Now accompanying the reading of the book of John 4.19 – 22:
“The woman said to Him, “Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet. Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, and you Jews say that in Jerusalem is the place where one ought to worship.” Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when you will neither on this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, worship the Father. You worship what you do not know; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews.”
The question that I make to you my cybernaut friend is why did that woman call Jesus a prophet?
Because she saw that Jesus really saw what nobody could see, she saw that He was a man of God.
But meanwhile, she tried to worship God, the true God…and so she asked where she should worship. Jesus told her that it wasn’t in the mountain or in Jerusalem that He would worship the Father, why? It’s not just about going to church to worship God—you worship, you participate, you begin to understand what is worshiping God when you know Him … And then you ask me: “Viviane, then how will I know Him if I am not baptized with the Holy Spirit? Don’t you have to be baptized with the Holy Spirit to know Him personally? “Well yes, but before knowing Jesus I know myself, I’ve already noticed my mistakes, I’ve seen my faults, as it was with Suzane, who I mentioned here yesterday, that I even spoke here on the blog about her comment. She saw herself, she saw the injustice she presented to God as an inacceptable offering to God, and that is not what she wanted. She was not thinking about her love life, she was not thinking about what others had to change but she was thinking exactly on that which was missing, that is, the disappointments she let remain within her, living with her and making her life bitter. She made her life bitter because she lived in bitterness.
So from the moment you see yourself, you understand your situation, than you expose that which you know about yourself, and that in which you believe. You look at what you believe and when you expose and speak that to God, that which you believe, than it is impossible for you to stay quiet, it is impossible!! It isn’t the fact that you say, “Come Holy Spirit! Fill me with your Spirit! Baptize me with your Spirit so I can be used.” No!
Your words are not in a religious way, your words are of surrendering, disposition; you know…boldness! You hate injustice! You want to be for Him! You want to present something better for Him! You want to present everything of you! The best is not enough; you want to present your whole life, your whole future! You want to give to Him! So when you talk you express this, then He comes and presents Himself because in reality, you want the truth, you want something just; which is contrary to sin, which is justice.
So, you worship God not with what you do not know … If you do not know who you are, if you do not see your imperfections, it is impossible, for you talk to God and be grateful to Him, it’s impossible!
However when you know, you know who you are…. You know there is a verse that says: “…whom much sinned, much loved…” And that’s why! She loves a lot, she gets rid off everything, she puts her future in the God’s hands, her desires in God’s hands, she allows God to take her wherever He wants. Why does she submit to that? Because she got to know life, and that is why she adores Whom she met—she sees the salvation of God.
So her words are not mechanical, religious, systematic, words heard from others. No! They are between her and God; they come from within her directly to God, expressing what He means to her.
Did you understand? That’s what it is my cybernaut friend. Maybe you have this doubt, and say, “Viviane, when it’s time to pray, when it’s time to seek…I don’t know what to say…” You know why you don’t know what to say? Because you didn’t empty yourself. How can you glorify someone you don’t know? So talk about yourself, talk—put everything out. And the more you talk, the more you will know yourself, the more you will invest in yourself…it is as if you were exploring your world, studying who you are, and appreciating every detail of who you are being in order to change your story.
Do this my friend; take advantage of this opportunity because your time is near! I want to be part of it, give your testimony here for us in the blog, because it will be with great pleasure that I will read your comment, rather yet, I don’t know if I’ll read it publicly but I’ll certainly read it. The honor and glory will be all for God, and you’re going to revolutionize your life; your life will never be the same.
A big hug and tomorrow we will be back here.
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25th February 2016 at 7:56
I would like to meet you,mail me.
25th February 2016 at 6:56
To be open from inward to outward.
7th February 2015 at 16:31
Thank you so much for the post Mrs Viviane. I remember when I use to just repeat what the pastor says during prayers – beautiful words, but empty because I was just reciting someone else’s prayer. I gave nothing of myself to God, and consequently I saw no results within myself. It was only when I opened up to Him, went forward when the pastor called those in my condition and became sincere that I saw a change because I finally acknowledged my imperfections and mistakes. God bless and thanks again
6th February 2015 at 9:44
Hi Mrs Vivian
You just made me really understand why sometimes I fail to talk to God.You just said it out “I haven’t emptied myself “.I was just making religious prayers..”come, come Holy spirit”
but deep in me there is questions,emptiness, doubts and fears.
I will start doing this emptying myself before God telling Him what is bothering my soul what is within me.
Thank You Woman of God