Assistants and the Lord’s Supper

Viviane Freitas

  • 29
  • Aug
  • 2013

Assistants and the Lord’s Supper

  • 29
  • Aug
  • 2013

This week a colleague of mine, another Pastor’s wife, suggested for me to write an article about how the Assistants should serve the Lord’s Supper.

Many, sadly, over time, because it becomes something common they are carried away by the regularity and therefore prepare, serve and even participate in any way, like if it was a ritual.

Many Assistants in the beginning had the greatest reverence when they thought of the Lord’s Supper. They took care of their appearance, took special care when tying back their hair, they painted their nails with simple nail polish, used make-up, and prepared their uniform with love so that everything can be perfect on that special day. The one who prepared the elements did it with great care and concern and would be the first to arrive at church. Before preparing the bread and the grape juice she presented her life before God. Then she washed her hands put on gloves and a hair net so that everything was done in a sanitized way. Everything that was done at that Holy moment was done with much fear and reverence.

Today, this article is for each one of us to examine ourselves on how we look at the Lord’s Supper. Has it become a mere tradition in our lives? A custom? Your immediate response might be: ” Oh no … no way … ” But please, stop and think about it: What does the Lord’s Supper mean to you?
Both the Assistant who prepares it and the one who serves it have in their hands the body and blood of Christ. It’s so serious, so deep. Look at what a responsibility it is to serve the Supper of Christ. Sanctification has to be on high and you must be careful of what kind of conversation you hold at that moment. We know that many while preparing the Lord’s Supper talk about subjects that have nothing to do with what they are doing at the time. It’s necessary to take into account not only the physical details, but especially your inner being. Listen to what the word of God says:

“Therefore whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body.” (I Co. 11:27-29)

When is it that I eat the bread or drink the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner?

– When my conduct is stained with sin. I have already spoken here several times that sin involves religiousness, disguised hypocrisy, thoughts of self sufficiency and so on… Remember that we’re not talking about visible sins, but about those that are hidden.

Dear Assistants, let’s take time to exam ourselves before preparing, serving and mainly participate in the Lord’s Supper because we may be on our way to condemning ourselves.

My advice to all the Assistants is:

On the day of the Lord’s Supper do everything with a lot of commitment and care especially within. That’s also an offering to your God.

Tell me what you think about this article. Your comments are important because it reveals your thoughts.

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33 comentários

  1. Desculpe-me escrever em portugues,mas consigo expressar-me melhor:

    Realmente,quando passei a fazer a obra de Deus,toda a atencao prestada na altura da preparacao da Santa Ceia era algo que me fascinava!Achava que realmente so quem era MUITO Especial era escolhida para preparar esses Santos elementos.Mais tarde,toda a reverencia dada a esse momento Unico foi agucando mais a minha espiritualidade e fui entendendo que era um momento Unico…ate que chegou a altura de eu ter esse grande privilegio!!!Ai,orava antes de comecar a preparar,e todos os requisitos eram seguidos a risca…Hoje,pude entretanto aperceber-me que de acordo com nossas atitudes no atendimento e aconselhamento ao Povo,nossos momentos de comunhao com Deus,nossas oracoes,nossa sede espiritual ai se encontra tambem nossa comunhao com Deus.
    Que Deus me guarde,me ajude porque so a certeza no Seu Amor e plena consciencia da Salvacao me mantem de pe,assim como o pleno entendimento da minha relacao com Ele.
    Quem esta de pe que se cuide para que nao caia!

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  2. Thank you Mrs Luisa I have learn so much all this years that we have been together. Because the Lord’s Supper is the only time that we are phisically with Jesus, so it is never to much to talk and to know more about the holliness of the Lord’s Supper, I am going to take time to examine myself, I do not want to have any invisible sin that will make me unworthy. This article is very importante for all of us (assistants)that do the work of God, because we want to serve, obey, and do our best, because Jesus is the only one in our lives.God bless.

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  3. Dear Mrs Luisa,ever since I became an assistant ,it has always been my greatest pleasure to prepare and save The Lord Super,how ever after reading carefully your post,I must admit ,they are details that we don’t pay attention to regarding this responsibility,such as our hair ,nails , conversations ,what you said is actual a big lesson for me.I believe it is such a great privilege to save the body and blood of our Lord Jesus. I thank God for bringing this to my attention.I am looking forward to do well forward on with much care are consideration .
    God bless Mrs Luisa.Dudu

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  4. many do not understand that when we value the things of God we will be blessed.I have learned a lot of how to take care of the things of God.I am really pleased to have found this message it really added to my spiritual life.

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  5. this blog has really helped me, as a newbie I really had a lot of questions that were not as clearly explained as in this blog, I now have a true understanding of how to serve the Lord’s Supper. thank you very much.

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  6. Meaning of Lord Supper for me is the Holy comunion with My God,Since the first day of my understanding of the Word of God I see the Lord Supper as a renovation of my communion with my Lord.where ever I be I never ever forget the day of my first Lord Supper,and what God did in my life on that day,Is a privilege to be part of LORD table.

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