Assistant, who has something against you?

Viviane Freitas

  • 30
  • May
  • 2013

Assistant, who has something against you?

  • 30
  • May
  • 2013

I was talking to an Assistant this week and we spoke about many things.

I asked her if everything was okay, in terms of her relationship with others.

She made a face, which showed signs that something wasn’t 100% well in that area.

She told me she had already resolved everything with that person, but that she clearly knew that the other person still had something against her … then I asked her:
– Have you spoken to her with sincerity to solve this issue?
She replied promptly: It’s not worth it. It’s better to just leave it because whenever I approach her she seems distant as if she doesn’t want to touch the subject.

Given the circumstance I asked her to read with me something so important and profound.
“Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.”(Matthew 5: 23, 24)

Did you understand? I asked her.
“I can’t have a bad relationship with anyone … right?” She replied.

I continued to explain: It is much deeper than being that.
It clearly says: “… and there remember that your brother has something against you” if I remember that my brother has something against me even though I don’t, my offering doesn’t mean anything because it is the same as if I have something against him.

Just as I made her understand, I tell you, Assistants, your offering can’t just be material it must be your all, in everything, regarding the work of God. Your offering will not be accepted unless you don’t first reconcile with your brother.

Your service can be “perfect” by doing so much, but if you don’t have a good relationship with your brothers in the faith, then your offering is not accepted on the altar of God.

It is best to stop everything and solve this problem, with a sincere conversation, which would be enough to better your relationship with God.

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2 comentários

  1. What I’ve learned from this blog is that I should come before God with a clean heart, mind and eyes etc. If I just do the work well but my within isn’t well it’s an offering I’m giving to God that has a defect, which is not perfect; as a result of this God won’t accept this offering since it’s not perfect.

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  2. I will remember this verse, always. In the past I have suffered with forgiveness. I love this blog.

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