- 27
- Nov
- 2014
Assistant : Mechanical assistant
- 27
- Nov
- 2014
The assistant’s post of today is to encourage each one to make an analysis of her conduct before the altar of God.
And the first question that is asked, and that can’t remain silent, is the following: What kind of sacrifices have you presented to God?If you are the type of assistant that lives a routine and does everything systematically; you attend only those who are convenient to you, that is, you just speak with who you identify with, you no longer seek to help new people. You even pray before the meeting begins, you ask for God’s direction, and that is important, but when it comes to going to the field and doing justice to your prayer, you are lifeless, as if the fact of speaking to God was sufficient enough and you don’t need to go beyond. In reality this is a religious ritual!
All of a sudden you are reading this and inside of you, you are putting defenses up, like thinking that it is not quite like that, and that these words are too severe, or that they are not meant for you but for other people you know. My dear friend, there is a crying out for the need to break rules and traditions that have been settling themselves silently over the years, and that unfortunately have contaminated many.
It’s time to open your eyes to this shameful reality and take steps contrary to these customs than have led you nowhere but to live a life of routineness.
We were not called to live like a mechanism, but in newness of life! So reassess what you have presented to God daily! Do not allow yourself to be a mechanical assistant, but one that surrenders herself constantly as a living sacrifice on the altar of God…
Write your comment; because when you write you make use of your reasoning.
16th December 2014 at 23:36
For me, a mechanical assistant is a sign that they are lacking the spirit of God. Because the Spirit of God is life and new not old and routine .. For me when I find myself in a routine or behaving in a mechanical, robotic way, it’s a big warning sign that my faith is going down.. The best thing in this case is to return to the first love because at that time, everything was new, everything was good and full of life but the older we get ‘in our faith’ the more we tend to have this sameness and routine, it’s not good and must be avoided at all times!!
13th December 2014 at 5:48
I have learned from this post, that I constantly must be a living sacfrice and not always doing what is convenient for me and faith that brings results is the one that is put into action.
Thank you