A relationship with God: How to obtain it?

Viviane Freitas

  • 28
  • Jun
  • 2013

A relationship with God :  How to obtain it?

  • 28
  • Jun
  • 2013

Many people ask themselves: “What is the secret to maintaining a successful relationship?”

In this article I will talk about simple things you need to know to start and maintain a good relationship with God.

Your relationship with God is linked to the places you go, who you talk to and whom you get along with. If you’re involved in a relationship with people that are of the flesh, it means that you are the same, because we usually tend to identify ourselves with those who are of a similar nature. You can never have a relationship with God that way, because the environment you are living in is not His!

When a person can relate to this “world”, it’s because he or she has tendencies of the “flesh” and it’s part of their life.

If you wish to develop a serious relationship with God, first, you must know who He is! And know that there can’t exist dishonesty or superficial pretense.

In a relationship with God, there aren’t specific times or moments to be with Him. The person is the one who makes the time when he or she surrenders his or herself COMPLETELY to HIm. Not in a mechanical or a deceitful way.

You have your tasks and chores. But how do you act when you go to church to meet with Him? Are you concerned with listening to His voice?

My friend, think with me: If you act like that when you kiss or are intimate with your husband, by having your thoughts everywhere except there, at that moment, will either of you be able to enjoy it? No! And you will run the risk of losing him, all because you didn’t give yourself completely to him.

Don’t be fooled by thinking that you have a relationship with God just because you wear a uniform, are part of a group or because you’ve helped someone in need. Your relationship with God is directly connected to your objectives. When your mind is focused on the things of God it will not hide, it will be transparent to others through your life and the way you carry yourself.

Try to captivate Him with your sincerity and submit yourself to what He asks of you.

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6 comentários

  1. Thank you Mrs Viviane

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  2. Thank you Miss Viviane the insight is really eye opening it means that our relationship with God is in risk if we do not not invest in it. Therefore that means we need to make time for God in our occupied daily schedule. In that case we are able to grow more.

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  3. Thank you so much Mrs. Vivi these was so helpful to me thanks alot…

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  4. Thank you Mrs Viviane for this message its so inspiring i now understand that to have a realtionship with GOD is not only based on reading the Bible but our attitudes ,actions and behaviour

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  5. Yes I can try to hard behind the uniform but he knows my heart.

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  6. Thank you Mrs Viviane for reminding us that a relationship with God is not the one that needs to be taken advantage off. But it is an everyday responsibility that we have to take care off. Giving consideration to God as we would if married to someone, watching the company that we keep and the environment that we are always around. Because our goal should be to please Him as much as we possibly can, as He everyday gives consideration, love, protection & shelter to us.

    May God bless you.

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