2nd Day – Where is the life?

Viviane Freitas

  • 11
  • Jun
  • 2014

2nd Day – Where is the life?

  • 11
  • Jun
  • 2014

Where is the life?

Today is already the 2nd Day of this Fast in learning how to be one with Him. And I am sure that if you have a well-established goal and is focused on your target, you will achieve want you are looking for.

“In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. “
(John 1:4-5)

If you are participating in this 40-Day Jesus Fast it is obvious you are looking for something that brings you life. Maybe you have already been in the church for many years, or perhaps not, but either way you realize you’re missing something to renew, awaken your faith. Something that will give you new experiences with God, not old ones from previous years, but current ones.

You might find yourself “dead” spiritually, or accommodated. You might even do the work, the physical labor, prayer, fasting, but you do not have the same disposition to have Jesus’ character. To be a person of values, principles that’s the reason why your relationship with God is “cold”. You are grateful for what He did in the past, but in your day-to-day life nothing new happens.

You can agree with me that in any type of relationship there has to be harmony, and there must always be something new not outwardly, but inside. That is how life and true love occurs, when you are attentive to yourself by examining yourself. And when you feel loved you forgive you want to give your best, more and more! It was like that when I got married, in the beginning, I was passionate about Julio, but at the same time I was selfish! I was very jealous and insecure. My relationship was more about me I was egocentric, and not willing to give in.

I did things for him with love and affection, but our relationship started to get much better when I started to look to myself, and at that moment I started to see his love, patience, forgiveness, and mercy.

Many people are grateful for what happened many years ago, but there is nothing new about them. Nothing innovating has happened to them. Their relationship with God through faith and sacrifice has become boring for them.

Jesus is life, and the life is the light of men, the direction. What does the light do? Illuminates, makes things visible. Lights things up so that nothing remains in darkness. The light reveals everything!
If you are doing this 40-day fast and want to be one with Him you have to be sensitive and look within yourself. What good is it for me to tell you everything I see about you when you don’t notice it? When you depend on me to tell you to change, it’s like waiting to hear someone define your life for you. You are the one who must think and reflect on your own situation.

This is why it is important for you to help yourself. How? Think on your own! Think about yourself note your actions, attitudes, character, and desires. This is who you are! When you are not able to see your errors, obviously, there is no light; you see nothing you are in the dark and lost in doubt. Just like many people who have no direction they know they are not living in accord with the God of Word because their life is at a standstill. There is nothing new. There are no living waters flowing.

“In Him was life and the life was the light of men.”

Life can come to existence when you begin to see, through the Word of God, the advice given to you, etc. There is light when you reflect on yourself by noticing your actions and using your intelligent faith. I am not the one who will notice them for you. You will see it through your own eyes. And this is what works when you see your situation!

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.”

Error, deceit, lies, or everything that has blocked you cannot prevail against you when there is light. When that happens there can only be truth!

Do not let this situation make you feel guilty or accused. No! The light reveals your mistakes, imperfections, everything that makes your faith stagnant not to offend you but to solve the problem!

The Word of God is like a double-edged sword that makes a separation. Things can no longer remain the same. That is, if you use your sensibility after listening to His Word to change you behavior and attitudes every day.

I want to read your comments and know what you have noticed about yourself. You can just put your first name. But after listening and meditating on it I ask you to write what you have seen over the years in your faith and conduct. What is the reason you are doing this 40-day fast. Once you write this include something that made you think and let us know your goal.

Not only listen, but also take action on what you have received.

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9 comentários

  1. I think sometimes I only believe that I am changing when someone makes a comment about it, but I need to be the first one to bearer witness of my changing.

    The reason of doing this purpose is because I want to loss myself, the old Ada and love for Christ, I know without Him there’s no true peace.

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  2. That was a very good message Ms. Viviane and my goal is to be more strong in my faith and pay more attention to God, less attention to my phone

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  3. Very powerful message Ms Viviane, I’m looking forward in this faith, I saw myself inspired doing fast. I’m learning and developing. I’m in this faith for renewal and revival, and to have strong faith in God.

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  4. Its very true what you have stated and written Mrs.Viviane . God makes everything new. But it’s up to you to either live in darkness or light. To either stay in the same situation or use your intelligent faith and take action.
    Everything that I read today makes me very curious and I myself want to be more attentive to correct the errors I have been making that I haven’t realized was hurting my relationship with God.
    GOAL: grow spiritually

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  5. There is light when I notice my actions and use my intelligent faith.

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  6. One thing that I noticed in the past with my faith is that it was at times a bit fickle, in the sense that my mouth would confess another but when I encountered resistance I would sometimes back down or even allow doubts to interfere with my decisions. But recently I was able to understand that fickle faith comes from a lack of trust in God, and I am using this 40 days to be truly one with God and build an unshakable faith in Him.

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