22th day – Independent or Dependent
- 1
- Jul
- 2014
Hello everyone. I am very happy for you, who have participated here in the Blog, listening and leaving your comments.
Maybe your time has not yet come to leave a comment, but the time will come when you will feel “obligated” to comment because something extraordinary will happen in your life! That is, if you allow the Word of God inside of you.
“But Jesus answered them, “My Father has been working until now, and I have been working.” Therefore the Jews sought all the more to kill Him, because He not only broke the Sabbath, but also said that God was His Father, making Himself equal with God.” (John 5: 17,18)
God works! For example, what have you notice about the Lord Jesus in the Gospels?
God is not seeking His own will, on the contrary, He gives Himself for us. And the proof is that He gave His Son, His only begotten Son, so today, He could become the firstborn among many brethren!
A true Christian who is baptized and sealed with the Holy Spirit does not feel accomplished when he or she is living a selfish life because God teaches us to give, to surrender.
God’s thoughts and concerned is related to “giving”! And many people even though they are working in the church, being active or not are not always working for God.
They do a lot, but everything they do is for their personal benefit, because they want to please themselves! They even like what they do, but they do not do it in a way that pleases God.
For example: Many people who serve as pastor’s wives, assistants, teachers of the EBI, members of the Youth group, etc. do their job, but their words are empty. They are not “working” together with the Father. The devil does not fight against them. They even face battles, which are a result of their own flesh and will, and the devil does not battle against their ministry because they are not bothering him.
Speaking about my own experience… even though I’m a bishop’s wife, counseling people, writing posts, etc. when I’m concerned about something or focused on something of “mine” in my own life I tell you, I feel frustrated! God did not called me to work for “myself” or to focus on my own selfish needs. He called me to make disciples, to preach the Gospel to the whole world! What Gospel is that? The one that starts inside of me and is renewed every day! It is not something systematic, because that is not the work of God.
Clear evidence that shows that you are literally “tied up” in the faith is when you worry about your things, family, work, etc. Everything that is about you!
You ask: “But we have needs. Does that mean we won’t have any concerns? ”
Every time I had needs and cared for them, I go through “hell” because of the conflicts inside me. I do not feel accomplished because, in fact, I am not living by faith. I am not in the Spirit! That is the reality. At that moment I am not able to help anyone. I am stuck, like when you are on quicksand and you keep sinking in more and more.
And you, who is in the middle of doing this Fast and is still “sinking” even though you know about intelligent faith, what have you consciously done to be free…
You ask, “After all, what do I have to do to get out of this situation?”
The only thing you have to do is to put this problem in God’s hands and stop looking back at it when you feel like it. When you do this you will have peace!
You will have to go against your feelings, against what ever it is that has weakened you.
I’ve done that!
I went through a situation this year where I was stagnant for a month worried about something new, something personal. But God did not called me to be worried about myself, but to serve Him.
Know that living by emotions is like living in sin, because it prevents you from acting with faith. You cannot speak to God, use your reason, or think of God according to what you believe because all you do is feel, feel, feel…
You have to put a stop to that!
I literally felt a slave of that feeling. So I stopped paying attention to that family problem. I stopped looking at my problem and started to think about what God has called me to do.
At first it was difficult, but I persevered in what I believe!
And after a week of fighting against my flesh, my feeling, I overcame it!
This is what you have to do!
I speak of myself, so you can understand that every human being has struggles. Even those who are born of God, baptized with the Holy Spirit, go through difficult times.
Every time that I was selfish I stopped my blessing, but when I placed it in the hands of God, began to trust in Him, and dedicate myself to serve Him I was surprised!
Put your faith in action, let go of your feelings, stop being a slave of them, and value yourself because when I did that I stopped being sad and “tied up”. I went from being dependent to being independent of the circumstances.
At this time, do you find yourself dependent or independent?
God does not depend on the circumstances!
Look what He did with His own Son by giving Him for us. He did not act based of His feelings, but by what He believed in and that is exactly what you must do.
You should work to serve God, no matter what “position” you have in the Church. What matters is to put your faith in action, which will bring results. Emotional faith brings nothing, no results!
Hate that feeling that makes you weak, and put your vision, your eyes, in serving God. Stop looking at yourself!
In this Fast of Jesus, do you think you are being with Him! No! You must be one with Him! Having His thoughts, being moved by him, used by Him, and you will be much happier- I say this from experience – than when you are a slave of your own selfishness.
Write your comment!
Tomorrow we’ll be back.
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22nd November 2016 at 21:18
Until this far I felt like my faith is nt taking me anywhere.thank you for this powerful message.Now I see where my problem was and I will fix it.I was too much cornered about myself than God and His work.
4th July 2016 at 6:45
I am participating in the 40 Days Fast, since we had the 21 Days of Fast I decided to do something extra to help me in my Spiritual purpose of becoming one with God, its so amazing that every post that I read until this one spoke of the exact situation I am in, I am growing through every message and I am sure my goal of being one with God is being accomplished.