Youth: Beloved Young One

Viviane Freitas

  • 17
  • Nov
  • 2014

Youth : Beloved Young One

  • 17
  • Nov
  • 2014

How often do we do something for someone with the intention to do good and that someone doesn’t recognize it and even says that we acted just the opposite?

That already happened to me, and I will explain why it happens to you.

Every human being has a need in his or her soul: To be understood.
When a person is understood by someone that is, when someone understands her, she feels loved!
Think of all the times you mostly felt loved. What did that person do to make you feel that way? Did you think about it?
Well, with others they acted differently to make him or her feel loved. She received love, attention, and affection differently.

For example:
For me, the language of love is CHALLENGE. For me, when someone challenges me, I understand it as if they believe in me, believing that I can go further.
I remember a particular episode where I felt very loved:
I must have been around five years old and I had received a bicycle. It had some training wheels so I wouldn’t fall. I rode that bike a lot until one day my father said, “let’s take those training wheels off”. Some people even said “no! She is still very small, she will fall and hurt herself; she doesn’t know how to ride without the training wheels” and my father said angrily: “she doesn’t know, then she will learn! Why can’t she learn? Why are you limiting her? She will ride without training wheels! ”
Well, I know that on that same day my father took off the training wheels of my bike and despite much whining on my part (because I thought I wasn’t going to be able to ride without them) my father forced me to get on that bike and ride … and I was able to do it! I was pleased with myself, and I learned that I could overcome! I felt loved! Someone believed that I could … and I did.

And since then, I felt loved when there were teachers who “pushed” me at school believing that I could be a better student, when someone trusted me by telling me their personal confidences, when they gave me challenges and problems to solve.
That is what Jesus did for me! He believed in me when I did not believe in myself. He put me in situations that even I thought that I wouldn’t overcome; He gave me challenges that made me see things with another vision! He won me over by speaking my language, with Him I feel loved!

To my surprise, once I wanted to do the same thing with a person that I liked a lot, but she didn’t see it the same way. She perceived it as me being selfish with her, using her, putting loads on her, making her feel frustrated, not welcoming the love I was showing her. That attitude of love from my part was not her language of love. Later, I realized that for her a demonstration of love was talking.

There are people who feel loved by receiving a gift, going out together, talking long hours, receiving many hugs and kisses, being understood just by glancing, etc.

Each person feels understood/loved differently.
And when the person is understood by God than she does not care to be understood by people.
On the contrary, she wants to understand, give love regardless of the return she gets.

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1 comentário

  1. Thank you for this amazing message Mrs. Silvia. Now I know how to love. God bless!

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