Who is the Persevering Assistant?

Luisa Teixeira

  • 16
  • Jul
  • 2015

Who is the Persevering Assistant?

  • 16
  • Jul
  • 2015

There is a very superficial idea of what ​​perseverance is, which is to stand firm, to be constant, to not give up, but after all, in what way does God expect my perseverance? That is the big question!

“How so Luisa? It seems that sometimes you complicate the subject even more, when it seems so basic.” Well, the truth is that we can’t be so basic and superficial, when dealing with issues concerning our spiritual life.

I will teach you something that you should take with you for the rest of your life: Everything that is related to God is simple, but at the same time is very profound, and above all it requires our SACRIFICE, renunciation and the abnegation of our “I”. Please engrave forever this teaching in your mind. Ok?

Let’s go to the subject of today’s article:

Unfortunately, we have observed that there are many assistants who say they are perseverant, but when we go deep into her life’s history, we can see clearly that this perseverance is linked to her own will, that is, she has persevered in her way of being, in her fixed ideas, in her bad eyes, in her evil thoughts, in her timidity, her pride, conclusion: they are persevering in what perishes, which is not eternal and that makes them be far away from the perfect and pleasing will of God.

Make no mistake, for the perseverance that pleases God is when we remain in HIS Word, it’s when we bulletproof our mind and our interior at every moment from all that is corruptible, not letting us be corrupt from the subtlety of feelings.

Are you able to understand? What are your thoughts about this article today?

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12 comentários

  1. Really Mrs V. I observed my life I started to note if I am pleasing God or not.Thanks Mam so strong. Kisses

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  2. Thank you Mrs. Luisa

    I will forever engrave it in my mind,. Yes!!!
    I understand that, when it comes to serving God, the perseverance I should uphold is to remain in His Word, no matter the situation. Thank you once again
    🙂 🙂 🙂

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  3. It is important to persevere in the work of God but in accordance to His will and not our own. We have to be obedient to His will for our life and not follow our own ”wisdom”. The act of following God and persevering is a sacrifice in itself, simple but not easy yet still requiring perseverance and the reliance of God in our lives.

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  4. Thsnk you Mrs Luisa.

    I spent my time thinking Ivwas persevent when I had mixed signals. I kept feeling well when things go well, but in difficult moments complain finding it hard even ti fast and pray and asking God why I’m forsaken, now I clearly understand perseverence,thank you Mrs Luis..

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  5. Thank you Mrs Luisa for this post.
    The following sentence from this article really spoke to me: ” Everything that is related to God is simple and yet very profound.” We can’t serve God anyhow and do things according to our own terms to suit our conscience, in this case it being perseverance. I understand that if I find it easy to do, it probably means there wasn’t any sacrifice attached to what I had to give up or fix.

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  6. Thank you for sharing, for myself what I understand from the part that you talk about us being perseverance in our will, an example of this that I went through is when I had to stop being emotional. I remember there was a time when I was fighting to conquer something but each time when I did not see what I wanted, I would complain for a while and find that when I go back to the church and receive a word of faith again I would then be encouraged once again, and in my mind I thought that was being persevering but from the message it is clear, being persevering is when you dont get discouraged, or complain no matter how hard it gets because God has promised and wont change His mind. I can say in the end even though I got what I wanted, it came after a really long time, because I would have days of being emotional and of entertaining doubts.

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