Who is a true Disciple?

Viviane Freitas

  • 29
  • Aug
  • 2014

Who is a true Disciple?

  • 29
  • Aug
  • 2014

“Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed.  And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. ” (John 8: 31)

If you are reading this article it is because you are interested in the things of God and you believe. But it’s not enough to just believe. The Lord Jesus said to the Jews who believed in Him, “If you abide in My word…” The Lord is putting a condition in order to remain in this belief. This belief requires us to be constant and firm in the Word of the Lord Jesus.

God notices that often we hold on to the past. We are driven by past trauma or words that have hurt us, which perhaps, we are still attached to without realizing it. And when we belief in God we must only believe in Him and not the past experiences.

I can believe in Jesus, profess and preach in His Name, but if as a Christian, I do not stand firm in His words and teachings by constantly guarding my heart, my eyes, not being anxious, etc. then I will be dominated by the circumstances.

If, on the other hand, you reveal this belief, trust, confidence and reliance on His Word, then the past and words will no longer hurt you. They will not remain in you because you believe in the Lord Jesus’ and do not live based on the circumstances.

All this requires consistency and to be vigilant of your feelings, how you live, and act.

When you remain in Jesus and expelled any and every emotion that comes along you are allowing His Word to wash you. You take on the Lord Jesus’ teachings, thus, becoming truly His disciple. You will not act on an impulse, you will be disciplined and expel what you feel or desire in order to follow the Lord Jesus’ Word.

“… And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

Many people believe that the truth is only for those who need deliverance, but this is not so! Actually, we come to know the truth when we remain in the Word of Jesus. Then yes, we will know the truth.

“So that means that, I, who still have bad eyes, want to justify myself, am anxious, selfish and proud will know this truth, and this will set me free?” Precisely! The truth is not intended to offend you, but to set you free. Therefore, throughout the day when you meditate and find things out about yourself do not be discouraged. Do not feel offended or low. You should feel worthy because the truth will direct you to the right path. The truth will make you aware of the “damage” that was harbored inside you and make you capable of fighting against it. You will fight against your feelings and will be free through the materialization of your belief in the Lord Jesus.

I hope that you write about this. Leave a short comment (All comments are subject to approval that is the reason why they are not immediately visible).

When you comment, tell me about your daily life, and what you think it allows me to get to know you. Let me know what is happening inside of you and I will gladly read and follow you and your comments.

Have an objective, be constant and remain in this objective. Choose a time to read these articles. After, make your prayer and materialize what is inside.

A big hug and we’ll be back on Monday.

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9 comentários

  1. Hi Mrs Viviane thank you for the word but I’d like to ask a question not exactly based on today’s topic, my question is to ask if I want to be an assistant how do I make sure that I don’t end up becoming one for selfish interest?

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  2. It is always opening my eyes to read your posts Mrs Vivian. More often we thing change is for the others rather than us but as I humble myself and meditate i still see a lot I can improve in. I am happy to say I have changed a lot from following your posts.

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  3. Hi Mrs Viviane, I thank you once more for this spiritual food you are giving us. Dwelling in the past always becomes a stumbling block the devil uses.God is preparing new things for us every day,but it takes those who abide in His word to notice these things.This truth you are sharing with us is setting many people free.

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