When do you loose your vision?
- 16
- May
- 2013
You loose our vision when you get lost in the depth of your own busy life and don’t plan out your day accordingly.
Because of that we can’t define or find the correct role we must have!
It must be made clear that an Assistant without plans is like a boat adrift carried by the wind.
Aimlessly without direction!
The Assistant that does not plan her life always ends up feeding into her distractions and pleasures.
Your focus becomes small and limited, with no prospect of life.
Your desires are but mere wishes that never come true and always perish!
Do you know why?
Because they are not based on a rational faith and mainly because you do things without wanting to get any results!
For this reason your vision is still childish, vague and unsustainable! And when you try to change those ideas you feel lost.
It is as if you’re closed behind four walls and can’t see anything else.
It’s like a person that is diagnosed with Myopia, they can only see very well up close. They need glasses to correct their vision because without them they won’t be able to see well a far.
But when you have vision, when you look up ahead the results you get will be different!
Your work can’t be limited to a place, a position, or a uniform! You must be open-minded.
You have to be a reference so that the work of God can expand with you.
Your plans have to be anywhere and in any position!
Correct your vision by putting on intellectual glasses!
You can only correct your spiritual vision when you do God’s will above all things. When you give your life 100% and you place it on the altar of God, the place of sacrifice. Only then you will have a panoramic view.
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Leyli Ayala
3rd April 2015 at 19:40
“You can only correct your spiritual vision when you do God’s will above all things. When you give your life 100% and you place it on the altar of God, the place of sacrifice. Only then you will have a panoramic view.” This sums it all to stay on the correct path to a bigger vision not a limited vision.
1st November 2014 at 5:08
This is very true, when we do not plan we end being everywhere just doing things in any way and that means we have less time for the things of God. We need to be occupied and well orginized with our time so we may have the most and offer the best for God.
Virginia Chuna
12th October 2014 at 22:54
Awesome, well said. It’s very true, when we don’t have plan we lose focus and this leads us to lose our vision because our mind is constantly occupied with other things, that’s why we also need to prioritise the things of God, after all we made ourselves chosen to be made available to Him.
Thank you so much for these posts truely helpful.
Tlotlego Lebodi
16th April 2014 at 7:54
this is very strong..because sometimes one may struggle but not see the results..we just need to sit down, think, and have a vision of what we have to do..if this is hard then we can sincerely ask God’s help and He will surely answer us..one should not be stuck on things that they are used to doing because in this way i limit not only myself but also God to work in my life..we should have an open mind with a greater vision..