What Hannah’s sacrifice did with Samuel?
- 15
- May
- 2015
To better understand the importance of a first-born son, I’ll tell you that until today it is the same in Israel. Once, before being a mother, they asked me:“You still do not have children?” And I answering no, then heard:“OH! Poor thing, you are still not blessed.”
A “son” today is still a sign of blessing in Israel; they have 3 to 4 in almost every family.
Among the Arabs, a father’s name is changed after the birth of the first male child, for example: in the case of Gustavo, he would be called ” Father of Gabriel ” (Abu Gavriel), an honor, and being so everyone would know that he is already blessed, that is, that he has a son (female child does not count). The ancestry and primogeniture is something still very strong around here.
But what I would really like to talk to you is about the example of Hannah.
“So it was, year by year, when she went up to the house of the Lord, that she provoked her; therefore she wept and did not eat.
(1 Samuel 1: 7)
We can see that while we regret and “feel”, we fail to live by faith. So it was with Hannah, for years she only regretted, was troubled in spirit and felt so much that her sadness made her stop eating. And meanwhile nothing happened.
But when she “poured herself” before God and made a vow to Him, everything changed! Instantly, she was so sure that she would be a mother that her countenance changed. She went, ate, and worshiped God at dawn. Then the miracle happened!
Hannah was faithful, she not only gave to God Samuel but also 3 calves, flour and wine—that is, Hannah went further and made a perfect sacrifice.
Have you ever thought about it, you ask for a child that you wished for many years and when he is born, you surrender him to God and stay again without one?
Samuel was still very young when she gave him away and began to only see him once a year. How much courage, don’t you think?
Now let’s see the result of all this:
- Samuel became one of the greatest prophets of the Bible, anointed the Kings Saul and David, served God faithfully until the end;
- Hannah surrendered a child to God and then became the mother of another 5;
- It was Hannah’s sacrifice that turned Samuel into one of the greatest Prophets mentioned in God’s Word; there are two books in the Bible with his name and until today he is remembered as an example and with respect.
Dear “mommy”, what a lesson! If we want to see God’s glory in the lives of our children, there is no use in whining. We have to be ready to sacrifice for them, because our perfect sacrifice will lead our children to be servants of the Most High and will bring the Flame of God to them—making all the difference.
We can already prepare ourselves for this perfect sacrifice and do like Hannah, which through her body generated the physical Samuel and through her perfect sacrifice, generated the Prophet Samuel.
May we be the “Hannah’s” of Today.
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Mercy Mshanga
6th July 2017 at 13:30
thank you i have learned a,lot
3rd July 2017 at 11:49
“While we regret, and feel, we fail to live by faith”, when I have have been like this, I fail to take action and just keep going in the same circle chasing my tail. Perfect sacrifice kills our flesh, and our emotion allowing no room for doubt.
Buyi Maphumulo
17th September 2016 at 16:56
What a powerful lesson, my God I’ve learned that the more I pour myself to God, He is able to change my situation completely. This message have changed my life. Hallelujah to the Lamb of God.
Thank you so much Woman of God for such a powerful ministry. May the Lord enlarge your territory.
24th August 2015 at 19:47
Lovely pictures. I think the idea is to see the cgeahns from 4 weeks to 42 weeks. Yes, some look like they are 20 weeks, but really they probably started off looking like that. Nothing to be ashamed about. The whole premise is to show how we are all DIFFERENT.
Nonhlanhla Xanase
15th May 2015 at 22:19
The safest place to present our children is the Altar of the God of the bible.
15th May 2015 at 22:04
I vowed if He remove the shame and give me the fullest live i will return it (my life) to Him.To serve Him with everything He gave acar to save soul money to do his work love life to glorify His Name.Health to serve on His Altar.