What do you like doing the most? (Part II)

Viviane Freitas

  • 31
  • Mar
  • 2016

What do you like doing the most? (Part II)

  • 31
  • Mar
  • 2016

This month we are talking about the things that we like to do the most, and how these things without us knowing can be a danger to us. I recommend you read about this from the beginning

What do you consider valuable and precious?

If you have the attention of someone who is very important, for example, you can equally become as “important” or famous as that person. This approval can make you very sure of yourself.

Now how do you feel when you don’t have this type of attention?

Inferior, forgotten, rejected, jealous, insecure, etc.

Sometimes, something “beautiful” can be when you are close to someone you admire a lot, when this person talks to you with acceptance, and is always feeding you good words, he or she gives you responsibilities and “position”. To you that’s “beautiful” and even extraordinary! There are people whose confidence is based on these things, that’s the only way they feel sure of themselves. So when they lose their “status”, what happens?

When they lose their apparent “security”, how do they deal with this situation even while doing the work of God?

They get discouraged, they don’t move forward, and they even fall! They develop evil eyes, envy and all sorts of evil things.

The bible says that “praise” is a trap.

How does praise become a trap?

When you meet a person that makes you feel like there is no one else like you. When you think or say that your group, your church, your pastor is different or better than others.

The more responsibilities you have, the more it makes you feel sure of yourself, because you are “growing”, that is also something that can be “beautiful” in your own eyes. Or is that not true? If before you weren’t able to see you spiritual state, but now recognize it and see that you have grown because of it, this can make you proud too. Because you’ve realized your spiritual state you can make the mistake of judging others who still aren’t seeing their own spiritual state.

Everything and all praise that can give you pleasure or turns into “success” is a trap to your feet!

This is the glory from this world inside the work of God.

Be careful! This is why Jesus said: “watch and pray….” (Matthew 26:41)

To be continued next week…..

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30 comentários

  1. Wow! I’ve never realized how easily a person can change when praised.
    Personally, I’ve always been a very good student and because I was so overachieving in school. I allowed myself to feel proud about my hard work and never did I give credit to God. Until, one day, I was proven how I was not brilliant as I thought I was. I failed that semester and I got my scholarships taken away only God knows how unworthy I felt. In the end, I took that experience and reminded myself that all knowledge and all truth comes from the Lord.
    Now, as far as this post I realized how I can’t allow all the praise get to my head because if I let it be what defines me then I will end up no longer pleasing the Lord Jesus.

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  2. Thank you Sra. Viviane for sharing, I am so grateful that God is so wonderful that He is continually looking out for us helping us to be humble and reminding us to keep our eyes open so we don’t fall. Thank you for allowing your self to be the instrument in His hands.

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  3. Thank you Mrs Viviane,

    Indeed, we need to watch and pray.

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  4. Mrs Viviane,

    Thanks for reviewing this to me through this message. I will indeed watch and pray

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  5. Thank you Mrs v for this eye opening message, it is really helpful as sometimes we look at the gold and forget about the alter I Will be extra careful.

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  6. Morning
    Yes the more responsibilities one has in the church can turn that person proud and when it is that way it is a very dangerous trap to fall.Wow thank you mam

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