What do I do to have thirst for the things of God?
- 10
- Jan
- 2015
Hello dear cybernauts many of you have asked: What do I do to have thirst for the things of God?
I am here to answer, but you already know, right? My answer to you is going to be painful, and only those who are sincere when they say they want to please God, are going to put into practice.
I’ll give you a simple example:
Do you remember your first love? How did it all begin?
First you looked at him, and felt something that attracted you, then you found a way to get close to him, you nourished every thought that came to you about him, you only spoke about him, your friends sometimes even became upset, do you remember? And then a beautiful and enormous feeling began to grow within you.
Was it like that or not?
The same is true with respect to God and the things of Him. The Bible says that faith comes by hearing the Word of God, so I ask you, who or what have you been listening to?
You know my friend, faith as well as the thirst for the things of God is simple, either you have it or you don’t. There is no manual on how to please God, or have thirst for Him, either you care about the things of Him (His Word, His Will…), or you live your life and your little world, and continue to be the same person.
Now, let’s use our intelligence, are you happy? Do you feel accomplished? And the main thing; the way that you have been living…are you sure about your salvation?
If you think about the kind of life that you have led, I am sure that this will cause a revolt in you. One day I was just the way you are now, far from God, no thirst, and empty. I used to hear about the things of God, but did not understand, I felt like I had no strength. Until I saw myself, and all that I saw was a living hell, so I had no other option, I went to talk to God. I remember like if it was today, the prayer I made at the beginning of 1992, I told God:
– God, I do not love You, I do not know You, and I can’t even feel You. My life is just the way the Bishop just described at the meeting, shapeless and empty, without You I’m this horrible person (I had attempted suicide and tried to kill my mother, that day), but if the Lord comes into me, I know that I’ll never be the same.
That was the first time I spoke to God with all my strength. I believed in what I had asked for, and it was from then on that He began to transform my being. On that day, I entered the church as a potential suicide, and came out weightless; all the problems continued on the outside, the world continued to exist and kept trying to drag me into it. But since that decision, I began to reject it, and then God entered into action, and gave me the strength that I needed to sacrifice my will and start to please Him.
I was radical. I separated myself from everything that separated me from God, friends, places I frequented, things from the social networks that occupied all my time, music and dance which fascinated me… At that moment, I needed to get away from it all. And look, honestly, I only won with that, I became free and began to strengthen myself, and then I understood that I was not missing out on anything, but winning.
This happened 23 years ago, and from then until now I only know one thing that makes me be close to God, do His Will, and feel accomplished: SACRIFICE.
What do you have to lose in experimenting what I’m telling you?
You can do it!
I love being here close to you, so I look forward to your comments. Come on, tell me, how is it going after reading this post, what decision did you take? What’s happening in your life?
A hug and see you next week.
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12th January 2017 at 23:26
Hi, I do not know God personlly, I had experience with him but dont really kbow him. I been adking God to put love for me to save souls, to give me the capicity to do his will to love him which is to obey. This explain alot that I do not to feel to obey his word his will. But just to do it and obey. Thank you so much for sharing telling me the truth.
lerato dlamini
27th January 2015 at 19:50
amen mrs sara this hv been my question for many years..i fell spiritual n got second chance frm God but still feeling far frm him.now I knw exactly wat I nid to do…thank you
sphokazi zide
27th January 2015 at 11:17
Thank you Mrs Sara for the share
It’s really like that I also went through that,growing up in the church can blind you but I sat down and spoke with God and opened up to Him sincerly and that is when I got to have a relationship with Him
Hugs and kisses
27th January 2015 at 9:43
Mrs Sara thank you.Its true what you said.I was once like that.It did not matter how long i had been in church i still felt empty.Everyone thought i had it all but i was breaking inside.I could not win souls.I remember one day the leader of my group said if you dont have the desire to win souls you are not born of God.It felt like she knew about me.I came home i cried to God i told HIM i coul not understand wht she was saying.I needed to have the desires to save souls and HE came through.Am happy.
26th January 2015 at 22:21
thank you Mrs Sarah, I find your article very helpful, as time goes by it seems I’m loosing my thirst for the things of God and I thought how can I re-candle the thirst I once had? because I don’t want to loose it..and you reminded me how it feels to be in love..:) God Bless you more!