UNIQUE Assistant

Luisa Teixeira

  • 9
  • Jul
  • 2015

UNIQUE Assistant

  • 9
  • Jul
  • 2015

You know what makes us unique?

“How so?” You ask.

The perfect SACRIFICE to God perfects us in everything!

  • When there is a sacrifice of our “I”, wills, thoughts, tastes, emotions;
  • When there is a sacrifice of what we are attached to and dependent of;
  • When there is a sacrifice of the mental and physical fatigue … ultimately, when there is a real SACRIFICE!

There is VISION!

What else is needed for an Assistant that wants to be an instrument in God’s hands? NOTHING!!!

Only SACRIFICE! It’s what guarantees the absolute success in all areas.

The unique Assistant is the one that lives in sacrifice! Then her attending is effective, her evangelization is productive, and her service to God is UNIQUE!

Had you already thought about that? Make your comment, because it is very important.

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19 comentários

  1. Thank you Mrs Luisa , ive been asking God to use in a way that many souls can be saved , and He directed me here , i understand and now i will apply with all my might ! .

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  2. I was so keen and curious to find out what makes a servant of God unique from the rest and the answer was just there under my nose only needing to be put into practise. Thank you for this because with this I see there isn’t a secret recipe to this just pure sacrifice

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  3. I always understood that we must sacrifice but never in much detail as this because it really separates assistants who sacrifice in the basic things and the assistants who TRULY AND ENTIRELY sacrifice their all.

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  4. I’ve always wanted to know what it means for an assistant to be unique, and this is the answer, SACRIFICE! And I understand how much of myself God requires from me, but also how much of a pleasure and reward it should be within me to give of myself to God because I make myself vulnerable to let Him lead me in His direction and ways.

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  5. For my spiritual life I believe this great for me. Sacrificing helps a lot it very shows that we have nothing to lose in our life. I love that as a woman of God we show that we are unique, character and behavior matters when we serve Him.

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  6. I agree sacrifice is the key to a new life basically

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