The power to save the world

Viviane Freitas

  • 15
  • Mar
  • 2014

The power to save the world

  • 15
  • Mar
  • 2014

When I was a child, I used to watch some cartoons on television – The wonder woman, Fantastic 4, etc…

I think that we all admired some of them and had a favourite hero. They always used their superpowers to fight against the evil and did everything to save people.

Last week, I met a new friend and we talked about an issue which made me think a lot. It also was in my head all the time. I talked with her about my life, my mood and she told me: “You are like my daughter. She always wants to save everybody…She always talks with me about her sad or rejected classmate and how she tries to help her.”

Those words were in my mind for a long time. I really believe that we can do it because we do not have any power. We have the Holy Spirit inside of us and with this power we can change lives, illuminate where there is only darkness, giving affection without expecting something in return, give a smile, be caring, the power of kindness, a selfless concern for people, the power of mercy, understanding, kindness, the power of forgiveness, patience, trusting, prayer, THE POWER OF LOVE.

How many girls commit suicide because they think that nobody cares about them? And, how much people feel alone and were also abandoned? How much people watch and expect us to use the power God have given to?

Each of these powers can make the difference in our acquaintances and in the unknown people. We do not know what they carry inside and what is happening in their lives at the moment. A simple gesture of approaching the person who lives away from others, without judging her as other people do, a smile and being caring without interest can generate a close proximity and open a way to let her tell us what is happening in her life. As soon as this happens, we could help her, teach her a new way to see life and help her to give her life to Jesus.

Who does not like to be treated with love? Who does not like to be greeted with a smile? And, a hug in the difficult times? To be asked and offer help? I love it! And you?

I think that in this way we can save directly and indirectly a lot of souls. God have given us the power to save the world. However, to use this power only depends on us. Our mutual loves attracts people, mutual love draws people closer to God, to the God we represent, the God we love.

“ A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:34-35)

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1 comentário

  1. Love is not only a word so when we use this power that God has given to us and show it in action to those around us God is very pleased with us.

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