The frustrated assistant  

Viviane Freitas

  • 9
  • May
  • 2013

The frustrated assistant  

  • 9
  • May
  • 2013

I know an assistant, and there are many like her…

She preaches to the people, encourages them, speaks of faith, trust. Shows herself to be active in what she enjoys doing.

However, on Fridays, when the time comes to set people free, she does not appear. She runs from this responsibility.

Every Saturday, she’s always ready to evangelize those she doesn’t know, but gives little importance to those she already knows in the church.

Her concern is mainly focused on taking care of the physical side of things. When a situation demands the exercising of her faith for the Work she was once called to do… she shows herself to be discouraged and even in disbelief. She became indifferent to the suffering of the people.
Yes! She no longer believes that she’s an instrument that God chose to save souls.

She hardly dedicates her time to sit next to a member and listen to their needs. Her counselling is superficial. Mere words … lip service.

She isn’t close to the pastor’s wife, because she is concerned that other assistants will think she’s a “bootlicker” or “flatterer”… either that, or she fears the darkness within her will be seen.

She looks at the people and no longer sees them as souls. She is always ready to “serve”, but never stops to take a look at her own life.

She wants, at all costs, to give what she does not have. Because of this, she doesn’t see the fruit of her labor and ends up getting complacent.

She thinks her state is “normal” because, after all, she’s not in sin.

This is where the frustration originates from!

But why? Why does this happen?

Firstly, because she failed to invest in her spiritual life. She failed to maintain her Fear of God.

It is important that this be clear to all the assistants: The Work of God begins within us. It is from the inside out!

If a constant and permanent surrender is not present, frustration will always be the end result.

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8 comentários

  1. Indeed Mrs Freitas, the spiritual investment is the key to inner healing in an assistant’s journey of faith in order to avoid spiritual bankruptcy it is time for us to draw nearer to God and to save our souls first.

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  2. God said His word will never return in vain, He said it will never fade. I have seen this today because this post was written some time back, but it still has an effect on the spirit.
    Thank you for the message. I understood that it is important to maintain the fear of God, to always work on my inside, and never neglect that. Doubts, fears and laziness of spirit begin on the inside as well, so as soon as we stop taking care of the Holy fear, ie the fear of the Lord, the negative fear will soon take over.

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  3. Thanks to the Holy Spirit for waking me up…I must say I am this frustrated assistant and after the frustration I went to being confused…I noticed that its impossible to give what you don’t have. The results that I get are based on what Am giving,so its important to invest in my spiritual life and if the is anything that comes between my communion with God I should cut it out in my life because its not only sin that can come between my relationship with God.

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  4. As an assistant I can easily be destructed by the physical because there’s always much to do, evangelise, organise things within the church etc. However the most important thing is to never forget the most important thing: Souls, including the assistant too, I’m also a soul that needs taking care off. This is the one thing that is forever, not my position or responsibility, but my soul.

    Looking forward to learning more.

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  5. Thank you for sharing this message,indeed this begins within us,once we forget that we souls as well and stop taking care of our lives we loose our personal relationshi with God and once its like that we dp not have courage to fight for others and set them free.

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  6. thank you for sharing i will make it a habit to stop and look in myself and not focus only in counselling and serving.

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