Speeding up your metabolism

Viviane Freitas

  • 15
  • Jan
  • 2014

Speeding up your metabolism

  • 15
  • Jan
  • 2014

Since it’s the beginning of the year and all of you are willing to start healthy here are some tips to speed up metabolism, but remember that in order to get results some or all the foods mentioned below should be eaten daily.

Cold water:
Drink eight glasses of cold water a day this will burn about 200 calories. That is because it takes energy for your body to raise the water temperature from 5 ° C to 37 ° C which is the normal body temperature.
Cayenne pepper (red pepper):
It speeds up your metabolism by 20%. It also increases circulation and raises your body’s temperature, and improves digestion. It has properties that help remove fat from the arteries.

It increases your metabolism by 20%. It can be consumed raw, sautéed or in tea. Another option is to blend it together with celery, orange, and apple or any other fruit.

Omega 3s:
Increases the basal metabolism, in other words its a calorie burner. Works as an anti-inflammatory, it prevents and treats cardiovascular diseases. Sources: Primrose oil, fish oils (found in salmon and sardines), and flaxseed oil.
Green Tea:

Reduces the absorption of sugar in the blood, inhibiting the action of amylase (an enzyme responsible for carbohydrate digestion). Reduces carbohydrate cravings, accelerates intestinal transition and increases metabolism, helping to burn fat.
Other tips to keep your metabolism working:

– Fractionate your meals to five to six times a day;

– Eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly;

– Reduce the intake of fatty foods and foods that are high in sugar and refined flour;

– Give preference to foods rich in fiber (whole grains, fruits, and vegetables) because it takes longer for them to be digested and therefore accelerates the metabolism.

– Walking helps boasts your metabolism.

Remain focused and work hard to get the results.
See you next week.

* The information contained in this blog is not for individual purposes. It’s not a substitute for regular health care. Always consult your physician regarding your health and nutrition.

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