Jacob’s life – Day 10

Viviane Freitas

  • 17
  • Nov
  • 2017

Jacob’s life – Day 10

  • 17
  • Nov
  • 2017

Hello everyone, today is the 10th day we’re talking about Jacob’s life, and your comments are very important, especially for you to evaluate yourself.

I would encourage you to not only reflect on this story that we have been meditating on, but to take each message and reflect on them.

“And Rebekah said to Isaac, “I am weary of my life because of the daughters of Heth; if Jacob takes a wife of the daughters of Heth, like these who are the daughters of the land, what good will my life be to me?” ” (Gn. 27: 46)
Day 10 – Problem solving
I know exactly what Rebekah felt, in a sense that she wanted to avoid Jacob marrying the daughters of Heth. Because Esau was already married to two women from there, which brought great pain to his parents and since Rebekah lived by the circumstances, if Jacob marry one of these women, her world would end.
Everything in Rebekah’s life was influenced by outer circumstances and therefore her actions reflected on it, by trying to resolve problems on her own. That’s why she resorted to deceiving her husband, but we don’t see her talking to God and turning to Him.
It’s like many people, today, they watch testimonies, but don’t take advantage of them. They continue to react to them using their emotions. Instead of resolving their internal problem, with God, they still act with emotions. They clap for others, but they never say: “Now it’s my turn!” My opportunity to sacrifice, to go up to the altar and testify about the marvelous things that God has done in my life.”
I don’t condemn Rebekah because I’m not perfect, but this same serious mistake is committed by women today, we are easily led by our emotions. For this reason we must constantly evaluate ourselves. It’s not because we are of God and use our faith that we don’t have feelings, but that’s where we reveal who we are, our fear and our surrender to God.
Sometimes, we create a big “storm” because of a problem, but it’s no use! The way to solve it is by materializing our faith, our belief.
If the reason you go to church and hear the Word is God, then exercise your faith in Him. Exterminate the problem, without getting desperate, without disbelieving, and without taking it to someone else so they can have pity on you. Don’t dependent on someone to solve it for you.
Rebekah, Esau and Jacob, were inside the church and they had Abraham and Isaac as an example to follow. They had knowledge of who God is through the examples of their forefathers, but only a transformation occurred in Jacob’s life when he put into practice what he had heard.
You, who are inside the Church, use your rational faith, because only hearing about it doesn’t solve the problem, you solve it when you put it into practice. When a person sacrifices to the living God, not according to their instincts they become the very blessing.
Jacob was sacrificed by his actions, because he wanted do things his way and so was Rebekah. The same goes for us, or we sacrifice to God or we will be sacrificed. The choice is ours!
We will be back tomorrow talking about Jacob’s life again.

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2 comentários

  1. This is very true. I can’t choose to live by circumstances but by faith. Not by how I feel.

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  2. Thanks vivi to consult me about what is sacrifice

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