Head on the Clouds

Silvia Alvarenga

  • 14
  • Dec
  • 2015

Head on the Clouds

  • 14
  • Dec
  • 2015

“You’re always distracted, you lose everything, you don’t lose your head just because its attached to your body; Irresponsible, you don’t do anything right…”

Do you recognize these words? Normally these are directed to the youths that are so called “Head on the Clouds”, irresponsibles.

When we hear the words, many thoughts come to our head…

-Self-pity: “For reals, I am irresponsible, I dont do anything right, Im useless…”
-Injustice: “But I tried my best, its not that bad, what a lack of patience!…”
-Indifference: “Yeah, this is just me, if they don’t want to, they don’t have to ask me anything”.

All thoughts lead us to act or think a certain way.

And when we have those thoughts, we are led to take one single action: We won’t change who we are! Stagnate! After all, we are either too bad to change, or they’re being unfair with us, or we don’t think that changing is worth it. These thoughts are useless for our development. They don’t help at all in out growth, they actually in our way.

So what do we do now?
Theres 2 things we need to have in mind to be different:

1-Know what you don’t want to be
Oddly enough, this is the hardest part. We need humbleness to realized that we are wrong, we are gonna need to want to know what we did wrong, and thats when critics fall perfect into place for us, because they help us in this realization process. We need to know what to do.

2-Know what you’re gonna do different
The imperfection is so attached to us, in other words, its so natural to do or not a certain thing that way, that we don’t even realize we made a mistake again. Then we must know!
If the way i clean my room is not the best, then what is the best way? Where should i start? How should I do this?
Take notes of how it went, take before and after pictures, put sticky note everywhere so you won’t forget, they really help with this.

Theres a rule that i have and it helps me a lot:
Never trust my memory!

Nobody likes to forget, and forgetting is not something that we can control. Whomever forgets, forgets! Its not on purpose, but we can prevent it; theres a way to “swerve” our limitations, figure out a way to get our head the way it always has to be: Clean to absorb what God has to teach us!

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Those things which ye have both learned and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.” Philippians 4:8,9(KJV)

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15 comentários

  1. good thoughts give you wat to do in different ways

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  2. A youth of God knows what he or she wants, taking things personal inst the way out you must use rational Faith and accept discipline

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  3. taking the things personal its not the way

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  4. i have to know what i what and belive that God will help me.

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  5. Thank you Mrs Viviane.. I’m going to take action on this and make sure that I know what I’m going to do differently to improve my standards.. I can definitely relate to the example of cleaning my room, I really need to improve on this!

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  6. A youth of GOD know s what she or He wants ,taking things personal is not the way out we must use rational faith and accept discipline

    See more
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