Good, faithful, and wise assistant!

Luisa Teixeira

  • 17
  • Sep
  • 2015

Good, faithful, and wise assistant!

  • 17
  • Sep
  • 2015

Here are the three characteristics that are part of an assistant that truly pleases God:


It’s important to make it clear that it’s of no use just to be good, and not be faithful or wise. And it’s also of no use being faithful and wise, and not being good.

The correct thing is being a good assistant in what you do, in your behavior, in your attitude, in the way you speak, in all circumstances and in all places, wherever you may go. That is, be an example! Be the best in everything, because within you there is the Spirit of the Best!

Many are relaxed and don’t zeal, not even the least: They start something and don’t finish it, they’re not good in doing their work, they’re not careful at home and within the House of God they don’t give the most of themselves.

The assistant beyond being good has the duty to be faithful. But, faithful in what? Only in the tithes, the offerings?

Not only in this sense, that is fundamental, but above all—faithful in their intentions. Because many are assistants with the interest of being recognized, of receiving glory, or of satisfying their “ego”. Over time, this fidelity begins to be suffocated by malice, by bad eyes, by the corruption of feelings.
Being Faithful is being committed until the end of your life, fulfilling your calling—whatever the cost!

The wise assistant is the one that lives her life on constant alert. She is attentive to everything around her, and especially attentive to herself, her reactions and intentions. She lives today as if her Lord could return at any moment.

The reality is that, if she is not wise, she won’t have the conditions to keep being good and faithful!

Observe that these three characteristics are crucial in the service of God’s work, and one can’t be separated from the other … the three go hand in hand.

Be true to yourself and deeply analyze if you have been that good, faithful and wise servant!

Repair your mistake. I await your comment.

“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’

(Mt.25: 21).

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40 comentários

  1. Thank you for sharing. It is very true you can not just have one the characteristics, as they all compliment each other. Thanks again.

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  2. It is true that over time we assistants can start to become selfish with our things, but think that we are okay because we are doing the physical work of God and often forget the spiritual side. Which is to be faithful in who I am, my relationship with God, behaviour and attitude outside in the world etc.
    Constant analysing is the key in starting off as and remaining a good, faithful and wise assistant.

    Asha London

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  3. This really makes you want to analyse yourself and think whether or not you’ve been all three or maybe 2 out of 3 or none at all, and wonder what you can do to change it.

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  4. I’ve recognised that it’s very easy to be good but hard to be faithful and wise, using my intelligent faith to analyse myself, but this is what I will learn to do and apply continuously, being good, faithful and wise in everything I do and aim to become; no longer using hard work to justify my unfaithfulness or to make up for mistakes, but instead being real before God so that I can be ready for whatever He places before me.

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  5. Thanks Miss for this blog. These three characteristics are crucial for me to grow and stay committed. To this end I will continue examining my attitude to ensure I arm myself with them.

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  6. Miss this is very important, the three characteristics of God. But also what the message that really stood and as I have been practicing already is to leave our lives as if it is the end if the word, in other way we should always be alert of anything and everything even if it would be Jesus’ return. as it says in the Bible that Jesus would come as a thief. When I say we, I am refering to true servants.

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