Going back to square one

Andreia Petrucci

  • 25
  • May
  • 2015

Going back to square one

  • 25
  • May
  • 2015

While I was still in school and attending physical education classes, there were two types of races that we would often do: resistance and speed (sprint) running. Though neither was my “specialty”, if I had to choose one, it would certainly be resistance running. After the first two laps, I would have realized the need to control my breathing; maintain a moderate running pace and dominate that anxiety to reach the end.

And many times the “tests of resistance” in life is where we most fail! Because we don’t easily see our goal, and sometimes it may seem that we are “running” in vain. And that is where the questions come and with our greatest enemy: doubt.

Normally when we reach a “high” speed, with our eyes on the goal, the reaction is much faster and focused, it flows… Faith is exercised almost instantly. But it isn’t always that things are processed this way and we need to exercise perseverance because by doing so, it enhances the characteristics and qualities that we couldn’t otherwise reach.

“…because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anythi ng.”
James 1: 3,4

Have you ever realized that when we aren’t willing to exercise perseverance, we go back to square one? In other words, we have to start from the beginning what we didn’t develop during the time we were being tested in the “desert”.

Not once, not twice, but unfortunately many times we have come across people who begin walking with Christ: they learn how to fight with the weapons of faith, are guided and attended to, but when we search for them, where are they?!

A problem at work, or working too much and the family is “troubled” or upset by their absence, or on vacation during holiday season, going to enjoy some sun on Sunday morning… Anything is motive for them to stop, give up, or “loosen up” and eventually quit altogether.

There are those who find their strength during weak times and return to the practicing their faith but unfortunately there are some cases where they are struggling to go back to the “rhythm” they lost. They go back to the beginning: fighting anew for their deliverance, conversion, etc (which is fair; to build a more solid foundation) … But everything depends on how much they are willing to invest in their (re)construction. It requires perseverance.

Perhaps, unknowingly, they gave up a few “meters” ahead of their goal; faltered a few feet of the finish line. They were close to being healed, having happiness in their marriage, their dream job, a united family; which is all the areas that require more perseverance!
Perhaps, who knows, they are about to have their biggest and most important meeting of their life: their encounter with God.

That is why, no matter how hard the situation, alone or at home with your children, parents, brothers, wherever: don’t falter, but do persevere and believe! This is the message that God left for us today: Walk that last “mile” because God never fails and He will never leave you helpless.

Do what you need to do, use your “weapons” that are at your disposal: Pray, cry out, fast, participate in the service and always go to Church with an objective in mind. Don’t merely be a participant, but exercise your faith, absorbing and practicing what was taught.

Go and seek counseling from a pastor or his wife, auxiliar or missionary. The devil wants to make you think that you are alone, but that is far from the truth (do not forget that he is a liar)! Fight the good fight. Guard your faith! God is with you!

“All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away.”
John 6.37

If you like, share your experience through your comments. Don’t have any doubts on what you can contribute!

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13 comentários

  1. I thank God for UCKG and your life Ms. Freitas. This messages is helping me to reconstruct my life, I fell from faith but I am regaining strength. I made a decision to cut off sin. And now I am persevering in seeking God. My family is also being reconstructed. Perseverance is extremely important because it seems like time is going very slow when we need or feel we need an immediate answer, but God must first prepare our character, as the verse says so we may be complete and mature, lacking nothing in our character.

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