Facing a challenge

Viviane Freitas

  • 15
  • Oct
  • 2014

Facing a challenge

  • 15
  • Oct
  • 2014

We usually always like what is normal, easy, and predictable. We like to be in our comfort zone, and do our will.

But when we least expect it (or want) a challenge comes along. One that takes us out of our comfort zone and puts us in an unpredictable position, which makes us feel embarrassed most of the time. We don’t feel good because it’s not our “area” of expertise.

What to do in this situation???

Challenges make us grow and strengthen our weakness.

Normally we have a tendency to develop what is already good in us, and try to hide our weakness in hope of forgetting about them.
But for those who are revolted, who don’t accept being mediocre in character and want to grow every day, challenges are great opportunities to mature and improve as a person.

How to face a challenge?
It’s not easy. At that moment thousands of feelings flair up and your head screams: “Give up!! You’ll never be able to do this. This is not for you!”
I confess that I too have often felt this way and therefore try to combat it with a weapon more powerful than my own thoughts and feelings: the Word of God.

One day King David, a young man at that time, was faced with a great challenge, perhaps the greatest that he had faced so far. And the way he reacted to this challenge serves as a lesson for me until today:

“Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.” (I Samuel 17:45)

A challenge may be greater than our capacity, but CERTAINLY not greater than God!

We just have to take on the position in the battlefield, place these challenges in the hands of God and trust Him. We must do our part and never look back! He will be there to ensure that YOU overcome your challenges.

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73 comentários

  1. our challenges makes us stronger, because its through these challenges we face shows if we really believe and depend on God.

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  2. Challenges develop maturity in a person, whenever i face a challenge i become doubtful and fearful and nervous, but after overcoming that challenge I’m like “Why was i so nervous again” I’ve learnt that if i don’t challenge myself and let go off my fears, i will be that person years from now regretting what i should or should not have done and i am currently working on that.

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  3. I know what is it is be completely out of your comfort zone and not knowing what to do be to escape this place, i know how difficult it can be to being in this kind of place for a a while too, but like to said ” Challenges make us grow and strengthen our weakness.” and i am going to hold on to this word while i am in this place of uncomforted until i see the promise.

    Thank you Mrs Vivi xx

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  4. I’m very grateful for this port it is a message sent from God assuring me of His unfailing love and promises. These months have been of great challenges and I have come across situations that I never thought I would be facing in my life. I would look at others and listen and believe that with me probably it wouldn’t be the same way, but now I feel it in my skin. I thought I could never overcome and that the best way out really was to just take a halt and sit back to how everything was before. But no, I can’t overcome for sure but in Him I can all things. So I have been trusting Him and His promises, because He knows all things, and although things around are a havoc. I’m at peace because I know I put God ahead of everything and I am doing my part so at the end although things may not always be great I know He is faithful.


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  5. if I want to grow in life I must come out of my comfort zone, when facing “giants”
    with my eyes focus on God that gives me sthrenght.

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  6. This post is message sent from God to strengthen and assure me of His promises.
    Thank you!It’s really easy to trust in God when everything goes well but the difficult part is to trust Him when you are faced with so many challenges. I confess that in the past months I’ve been facing challenges that I never thought would come my way. Things I thought I wouldn’t be experiencing, that only others experience, but now I feel it in my own skin. I thought I wouldn’t be able to overcome and the truth is I can’t overcome but I have been placing God ahead of everything and trying my best to do my part. My Spirit is at peace and there is no greater feeling and assurance than that. Although things around may be a havoc, I know for sure that everthing will work out at the end because I have trusted it all in Him.

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