Day 4 – What does He have to offer me?

Viviane Freitas

  • 1
  • Feb
  • 2015

Day 4 – What does He have to offer me?

  • 1
  • Feb
  • 2015

Hello to all the cybernauts. It’s a pleasure to be here with you on this fast of 21 days.

I want to take this moment to tell you to grab your opportunity, because like I said: It is an opportunity, and it’s not constantly before you… it goes away, and if you don’t take advantage of it, you may even say many things but with your attitudes you will be left to desire, and with them you will show that you’re not a person of word, because you don’t honor it…

Let’s get to today’s topic: “What does Jesus have to offer you?” Follow along…

“Jesus answered and said to her, “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.” (Jn. 4.13-14).

Jesus answers your question, cybernaut friend. He goes straight to your need and the way in which you have sought to resolve your issues, as is the case of your participation in this fast: Could it be that you are participating because you want to give a testimony to others; Or to say that you were baptized with the Holy Spirit; To be well known at your work as being a person of God… someone different? But you should know that, this way you are not seeking Jesus, for He is not found in this passing “water”. What you are looking for is recognition, and even the glory from others, which means you are not fit to seek God the right way. “And what is this way?” you may ask… Certainly it’s not wanting Jesus in order to show people, but because you need Him! Because you need to… since you are already saturated with your “injustice”! Outraged by your wills, desires, thoughts that you have nourished, etc.

You shouldn’t want the Holy Spirit and participate in the Fast of 21 days, to be glorified, but to glorify God with your life and with the intention to first honor God, and not looking for your own honor. It’s what many people do, without realizing it; they seek the things of God to benefit themselves, to conquer glory for themselves and say with a mouthful that they were baptized with the Holy Spirit, and not because they were outraged with their mistakes, failures and sins. If you seek for this “water” than you will thirst again!


You say you want the Holy Spirit to overcome the world, but you forget the part of the Bible where the men of God went through struggles, like John who was in prison while visioning the things that will happen, described in the book of Revelations; Jesus was crucified, rejected by His own … And sometimes you want water, but from the one that will make you thirst again. Because if Jesus were to seek from the water of recognition, to be respected by the people, He would be with thirst and wouldn’t have won death over, for this water would only be temporary…


Evaluate your intentions. What is the true meaning of being in this fast? Observe your attitudes, thoughts, wishes, observe yourself!


One of the interesting things that I evaluated is that many people notice the errors from others, and that’s why they don’t notice their own; they are able to see the mistakes of others, but not to see their own “movie” and the role they are playing before what they claim. They say something to God and act differently!


You are not determined—because determination makes you honor your word!

“Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst… “


Are you searching for the water that He has for you or its benefits?


When I was reading this verse, I thought about the times when we are so sad about certain situations … we want our will surpass the will of God. And what happens? We live thirsty!

Like when you are concerned about something personal, thinking of your family, wanting your husband to recognize and change; when in fact you are searching for water that will make you thirst again, because in reality they—your husband or family—are not perfect! So then, everything you seek for is not the water, the Holy Spirit, but for the people or the situation to be in your favor. But if you drink from the water He has to give you, you will not thirst, never again!


“How, Viviane? How will I live in a world full of needs … will I never want or desire anymore? ”

I’m not telling you that everything will fall from heaven, but that you will be a spring of water welling! You will not be perfect, but you will be active, alert, and perceptive to the voice of God. And for this reason, you will drink from the water that He gives you.

I tell you, that even having been baptized with the Holy Spirit and having drunk from this water, even so, I still have to drink from it every day, and for that I have to be perceptive to His voice.

But about that we will be talking about it during these 21 days of fasting.

I want you to be attentive and take advantage of your opportunity. Grab it, because it passes! And I hope that the same thing that happened to the five foolish doesn’t happen to you: they let their opportunity pass because they were not vigilant; they were not careful with themselves and therefore lost.


Look for the water that He has to give you and you will never thirst, and you even will be someone who feeds others, as I am doing with you.


You saw the video of the Retrospective and you have seen the transparency of my life, and this is because I have nothing to fear! I just need from the water that He gives me, and that is what makes me have something to give you. And the same way, I also want you to have something to give.


Be strong, radical with what impedes your faith.


A big hug. See you tomorrow!

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7 comentários

  1. Yes, its true, its very subtle but if I have to be honest there is a part of me that desires recognition, sometimes my husband corrects me and tells me not to seek the honour of men and I quickly defend myself, deny it, but then when someone, like especially someone from the leaders does not speak to me or gives me less attention than some others, then I see my attitude is not as good as I thought and yes also this always wanting to be popular is still like rooted inside me and also when corrected at times I get sad which is not good.

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