Day 3 – How will the Lord give living water?

Viviane Freitas

  • 31
  • Jan
  • 2015

Day 3 – How will the Lord give living water?

  • 31
  • Jan
  • 2015

Hello cybernauts friends. It is a pleasure to be here with you!

On this 3rd Day of Fasting, let’s talk about how the Lord Jesus will give you living water. It is the big question that many ask: How is He going to give me the Holy Spirit?

“The woman said to Him, ‘Lord, You have nothing to draw with, and the well is deep. Where then do You get that living water?  Are You greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well, and drank from it himself, as well as his sons and his livestock?’” (Jn. 4. 11-12)

That Samaritan woman could not understand that the Lord Jesus could give her living water. And maybe you, cybernaut, are a person who is also full of questions: “How will Jesus give me living water?”

If you are already baptized with the Holy Spirit, you may ask what else can the Lord Jesus give you, since you already have His Spirit.

I want to call everyone’s attention because, both, the one who has received the Holy Spirit and the one who hasn’t received yet, have to be vigilant! They have to FIND the living water. Why?

Because you are human, and do not live like angels in an incorruptible body … but have a corruptible body, which feels what it shouldn’t and uses its five senses, and therefore leans towards feelings. And these do not lead you to faith!

Usually the person thinks they have to feel or see God, just like that Samaritan woman; who looked to the Lord Jesus and seeing that He had no bucket to draw water, wondered how could He have living water when He neither had a vessel or “cup” in His hands… And that’s what you may be asking, “How is the Lord Jesus going to give me, if I don’t see anything in His hands?” ” How can I hold Him if He is invisible, and what do I have to do to make this living water be part of my life?”


If you notice, this Samaritan woman asks a question: “Are You greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well, and drank from it himself, as well as his sons and his livestock?”

She was comparing the Lord Jesus with Jacob, who found the well, drank of it, had his children and cattle, that is, family and wealth. And that is what you sometimes don’t admit with your mouth, but within yourself you question: ” Is God greater than this question I have, and that of which I’m looking for? Could it be that He knows what’s inside of me and is greater to really see me, know me, and know what I need…to sustain me? Because so far it seems like He hasn’t done anything… He did something subtle on the outside, but for the main thing, that has to happen inside of me, I don’t have the confidence, surrendering and words to tell Him. ”

It is for this very reason, cybernaut friend, that you are not seeing Jesus as He is, but are looking at Him with the physical eyes; you want to find in Him the same characteristics of a human being, when the Lord Jesus is a Supreme Being who knows you since your mother’s womb and knows your history, better than you yourself.

But for you to find, you have to ask, seek … have the desire to find answers! This woman asked the Lord Jesus, even without understanding anything. This may also be your case, that you do not even understand how you will do this Fast of 21 days. But if there is a burning desire that is burning within you for an answer and a result, don’t accept being the same person you have been until now and reject your life the way it is … Even baptized with the Holy Spirit, you realize that you are stagnant: you speak of what happened in the past, in the achievements you’ve gained on the outside, but inside you, you hide who you truly are… then it is time to address what you mostly feared to confront!

In this 21 Days of Fasting put all your strength! Participate in the church meetings, listen to the audios, go to the Blogs, participate, let yourself be known, every day write in a paper—in a notebook what you did to seek the Holy Spirit, in your desire to find the water of life.


We’ll be here tomorrow, do not miss out! Leave your comments.

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5 comentários

  1. This is so true when there is no desire for the holy spirit he can’t come upon me as you don’t really desire him. In order for Him to live and drink of His living water I need to thirst for Him, do whatever is in need of so I can drink from his fountain and never thirst again.

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  2. I believe the question itself shows a sense of doubt, that we have not really known the Lord Jesus because if we had already known Him, we would not be so worried as to how He is going to give us Living Waters. Hence this is all the more reason that we fully dedicate ourselves to this Fasting by participating daily in the blogs, videos & daily messages. In this way, not only will Christ answer all our questions but will quench our thirst with the Living Waters He spoke of
    Thank you once more for the message Mrs Viv

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  3. Thank you! This goes deep. And it made me think. Think about myself, the past and how I want to be from now on. I understand God really wants to change me, wants to change us. But we have to want it so much! I don’t give up!

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  4. Thank you for this message. I will do my part in confronting myself before God.

    The time is now.

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  5. Thank you for the post Mrs Viviane. If I want to see results in this Fast if Daniel, I need to be willing to do whatever it takes; to put aside any “ideas” about God (what I see with my physical eyes) and completely surrender to Him. I need to be willing to face myself head on and not accept everything I have been until now.
    Looking forward to your next post!

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