Day 16 – Obtain testimony

Viviane Freitas

  • 13
  • Feb
  • 2015

Day 16 – Obtain testimony

  • 13
  • Feb
  • 2015

Hello to all the cybernauts! Prepare yourselves because for the next few days you are going to hear about faith, and today’s topic is, by faith you “obtain testimony”

“For by it the elders obtained a good testimony.” (Hebrews 11: 2)

You do not need to hear anything else, my cybernaut friend. What do you have to do?

Faith will make you have a good testimony—obtain. In other words, in your nature, in the way you are, in your behavior, you don’t obtain that testimony. In what you’ve already manifested in your faith, yes, you have a good testimony. Only that, for something new, for something refreshing or something better, that is revolutionary in your life, you have to manifest faith and then you obtain a good testimony.

That good testimony speaks louder than your own words; your words do not have the ability to express what has happened or what is happening to you. But it has spirit, and it talks, taking to those who hear you, what you are living.

So my cybernaut friend, by faith, you obtain a good testimony. It’s not for you to have a bad testimony…if you have had a bad testimony, or bad character, or you lead a promiscuous life then you have to go through the deliverance phase on Fridays. You have to be accompanied, do not isolate yourself, talk to an assistant, or a pastor… seek to be accompanied in order to be helped in the process of liberation—don’t get offended, no, the intelligent faith leads you to resolve the problem.

Then when you participate in meetings of deliverance, you will manifest your faith and obtain a good testimony. And in your case, you who have acquired several testimonies concerning your faith, there are certainly things that are left for you to give a good testimony. Faith makes you not be limited by what you’ve lived in your childhood, in what you go through with your boss, faith does not limit you by what others think, faith will not limit you to what has been determined, by another person, whoever it is.
Faith obtains good testimony, because it manifests a correction in your own character, eliminating whatever there is that isn’t to be existent, to put into practice what has to be done, or that you have not done…it’s something out of the ordinary, but that you begin to practice, that is, faith makes you get out of a situation in to another.

Then my cybernaut friend, when you’re expecting the Holy Spirit…what is the testimony you’re giving Him? That is my question.
Because if you have bared witness, dedication, humility, talked all that is within you, not just talking to God about what is within you, but noticing that after the prayer, you are either trustful or you remain sad. And if you’re sad, you perceive it then and there and say; “I did not do the prayer that I had to do”, then you correct it, and in the next prayer…you do an honest prayer, then you are obtaining testimony to God.
You see my cybernaut friend, the importance of using the force that is within you… you think that the force is in relation to others? … No! The force is just in your obstacles. To overcome my problems I had to use my faith, and look…there are things that I never imagined would happen, absurd things, things I never thought I would face in my life, but faith makes me obtain a good testimony, not a bad testimony.

So my cybernaut friend, use this lemon to make a lemonade—because only those who have a lemon can make a lemonade… only those who have problems can manifest a pure faith. How can I manifest faith if everything is fine? It’s an opportunity to develop your relationship with God, to know yourself, to discover your eternal values. And all those problems you are facing are not to destroy you, but for you to obtain good testimony.

Cybernaut friend, look ahead, stop crying and smile because what awaits you—you have nothing to lose…nothing to lose, when you use that faith! Then if there is a problem, understand that it’s time to use faith. But, how am I going to use it? You’ll use it by obeying…obey! And like that you will get what you so much desire.

Ok, my cybernaut friend?

A big hug and tomorrow we’ll be back here.

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4 comentários

  1. Thank you for sharing everything we do we have to manifest our faith and in a intelligent way, the devil are around us daily to distroy our life and this is why we need to be focus putting in 100% to go against him. My fight is daily using my faith to overcome my obsacle in my life one ofter another.

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  2. Thank u so much Mrs V Freitas,u Pastors and wife of my church,u know we people of Universal Church we have so much to God,we have so many oppoturnity God is giving us,cause sometimes we allow stubborness of our hearts and mind pride to rule our lifes,cause I don’t to want lie Mrs Freitas I wasted so mch delaying my life cause when I allow the flesh and emotion in my life I delay my life in everything,but today I realize so much time I wasted,but God gave me oppoturnity again and thank God Holy Spirit for that,I’ve dicided to obey his word no matter what it takes I surrender everything to God and work for his Kingdom,I’m so grateful to woman of God,mother and fiancee that I am today,case of the Lord Jesus Holy Spirit that using u your sister your father and pastors and wife to gave up ur lifes to bless our lifes today and tomorrow Thank u,cuase now I have peace in my heart with a decision of Obedience.

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  3. Good dy

    Thank you for sharing the message. This has put faith in a different light for me, it’s correcting what my nature brings when faced with a problem which is fears and doubts and this is an error. But when I continue to use my faith this old nature is replaced with a new one, basically the more I use faith my character changes from a doubtful person to one who trusts, believes and obeys Gods instructions.

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  4. Obedience is the way to show faith. We obey what we believe will help us.
    Thank you

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