Day 11 – Don’t Doubt!

Viviane Freitas

  • 9
  • Feb
  • 2015

Day 11 – Don’t Doubt!

  • 9
  • Feb
  • 2015

Hello to all the cybernauts!

I’ve been following every comment; every day I have read them and there is no way to respond to each and everyone, but pay close attention to the topics, in the Word of God, and in what I have to tell you.
Today’s topic is “Don’t doubt.” Follow along in James 1.5-8:

“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord;  he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.”

You see my cybernaut friend, what is wrong is not the problems that are outside of you, but the biggest problem is the doubt that you nourish inside of you.
And you ask: “How can I take out something I do not understand, I do not know, and which divides me?” You’ll take it out believing in the words of the Lord Jesus! When, for example, you have a difficulty when you are going to church…but before the meeting begins, you converse with people, you stay thinking on “a million things,” like on what you talked about, what you saw, what happened from the way home… you are paying attention to everything. When you get to church…what happens? Your mind is bombarded of thoughts about what is going on, the way others are looking at you, the way you are praying, etc. That means: you are guided by what others are thinking of you, and when you have to set yourself to reach an outcome in your life, you can’t do it! You look to one side and to the other, “weigh the reasons you have” to feed your “thesis”—your doubt—and you stay divided! Instead of launching yourself at what God is saying to you, is asking, is teaching, you prioritize that thought you have in regards to something. So then what do you have to do?
The Word of God gives an immediate response: When you need of wisdom, ask God that He will give you liberally.
Why don’t you ask God and stay with that doubt? Because you wait for people to answer you and not for God to give you the answer: “How will God answer me? I do not hear His voice… How do you manage to hear God’s voice, Viviane?” Do you know when? When I insist, and not only that, but when I ask Him and my actions show that I prioritize His will.
If you have doubts than for sure you are prioritizing your own will and not God’s. You are not vigilant in doing what was advised, taught and guided, but you just think on your doubts, instead of asking God and allowing Him to speak.
What is the difference between you and I? The difference is that I ask God, I insist and I believe that He will speak! I do not know how God will do it, but He will speak!
Ask God, but do it with faith, because if you ask doubting… “Oh, I do not know if He will answer me; He didn’t speak with me so far … I always have to listen to others in order to hear God’s voice.” You do not have to doubt, because that’s where unbelief enters, which is the opposite of faith. You have to ask and be certain that He will talk to you without fear, without apprehension or doubt!

“But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind…”

 That is you, when you are in doubt, you become anxious, agitated, nervous, angry, upset …you don’t move forward in life because you allow the doubt to settle in—you don’t take it out; you don’t act out the faith that is within you!

“For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord;  he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.”
If you allow the doubt to manipulate you, do not expect something from God! And that is the mere truth, when you are in doubt there is no strength, no determination, no definition, no perseverance—just the opposite!

You are unstable not only with God but in all the areas. Double-minded means that sometimes you speak one thing and other times another, sometimes you are in faith and other times you’re not, that means that there is no certainty inside of you.
For a moment you are in the faith, saying good things about yourself, and at another moment you are already professing negative words. Then you are double-minded, and do not expect to receive the Holy Spirit being like that. You have to be persistent and find the values that are inside—be constant!
Learn to do things the right way and to improve in them, like honoring what you profess to God, otherwise you are not using the faith. Also, you do not show respect and dignity as to what you say, becoming an unstable person: You talk to God about a goal you have but you act in a wrong way. That’s not right! Fix this now! Talk to God, for if you need wisdom, you need to understand, you need to resolve, than He will show you but you have to go after it and leave the doubt behind.
Until tomorrow, and be sure to comment on the Blog.

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5 comentários

  1. Thank you Mrs Viviane, this is the very first time I participate in the 21 days fast alone until now. It had been very difficult even with the Holy Spirit.
    I have been a very double minded person and never wanted to be held accountable for my decisions, I had always been like this never actually wanted to have a standpoint and therefore would fall for anything ending up frustrated.

    I eventually got tired of being myself, I had to make a decision. Lately I had been “targeted” on serving on the altar, I started working for God when I was 13 and since then was very serious with the things of God from helping in the youth until serving as an Assistant but somehow I lost focus, and started being double minded, I started putting myself first but saying that I am a servant of God, even the little I had I vomited and I was left empty nothing was going well in my life I was with no direction.

    I still finding my way up again and through todays post I decide on living my life totally on the altar not seeking for second opinions but embracing God’s will for my life. I will stop looking down upon myself and start believing in myself. I will be faithful with my vows to God and let Him rule my life once and for all. I have had enough of myself, running away from the altar.

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  2. Phew ! Everthing that is said on this topic that’s me. The spirit of doubt overpowers the Spirit of faith in my life. Nothing goes forward because l doubt a lot and l ended up not trusting in myself. l have wasted time and opportunities in my life through doubts. Glory to God that today my eyes have been opened. God have been reaveling things for me in this Fast of Daniel. Thank you Mrs Vivi *hug and kisses* God bless you.

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  3. This is so true! God can’t help us if we doubt… or doubt Him. It’s good to analyze our thoughts, the way we act, how we pray. God can do everything. But we need to give Him everything and leave all of our doubts behind.

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  4. I have no words to epress what went through my mind when i read this. Doubt makes us lose definition and without definition we can’t persue anything and even God can’t help us, we’ll forever be dependent on others to hear God’s Word.
    These messages are really helping me a lot to understand myself and my God. Thank you for allowing God to use you during these 21 Days so you can help us

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  5. Thanks Mama,

    I will never allow doubt to manipulate me anymore, I will ask in faith.

    Busisiwe, Dobsonville

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