Audio : Intelligent Prayer
- 17
- Apr
- 2015
Hello to all the cybernauts! It is a pleasure to be here with you every Friday through this blog.
I would really appreciate it if you would invite other people to listen to the audio with you, because today we are approaching, in this little corner of the blog, something practical that will bring results and that will resolve all your problems.
The theme for today: Intelligent Prayer
I ask you the following question:
“How many times have you prayed and received answers? And how many times have you prayed and not received answers?”
In other words, after this type of prayer, you remain sad, crying, with fear and worry…ultimately, your day was horrible; in better terms, your days, your year was horrible!
“Because you made the wrong prayer!”
Your prayer has defects…
And you may say, “What, Viviane?! But I speak to God! How dare you?! What right do you have to say that my prayer has faults?!”
And I say, “Yes! Your prayer has errors!”
Why? Because after your prayer you still have that fear, you still feel anxious and worried; this prayer was not made with faith. Because faith is “the certainty of things that will happen”. So, after you spoke with God in that form, what do you expect?!
Are you waiting for something negative, are you waiting for the worst possible situation and circumstance to occur?! How do you feel, personally, after your prayer?
And if you still say, “Yes! I still feel depressed, in agony, unhappy, frustrated…” So, if this is the case my cybernaut friend, that means your prayer has faults. You have to use reason.
When you are praying incorrectly, all you are doing is expressing your emotions, and to add to that, you are looking at the problem and not the promise.
Well, if I look at the promise, spoken by the Lord Jesus with accordance to the Word of God, automatically I demand definition in what I want. When I focus on the problem I stay in emotion.
Imagine yourself in front of me, and I am helping you, and you began to tell me about the worst moments of your life. Even though you overcame all of that, would you still cry? And that is exactly what happens when you speak to God visualizing the problems that you lived. However, when you speak to me about those very same problems but centered in faith, what you did is use your intelligent faith, projecting God’s Promise and that made you take an attitude in favor of what you are living; in other words, you no longer speak in tears, but with a target, defined.
Many people when they pray speak to God in a generalized manner; for example a woman, when she says, “Make me a woman of God”, but doesn’t expose what is actually going on inside of her at that very moment, where that doubt and fear are hidden, and that she doesn’t accept it!
Another practical example is when I want to manifest my faith, that certainty of what is written in the Word: “ ‘Faith is the certainty of things that are going to happen…’, but I don’t hope for what is right, God, I wait for that which is doubtful, because I have fear, I am negative. But I don’t want to be that person, I feel this way, but I can’t stand it anymore… I speak with You in a way that shows I am not looking at the results, instead I am looking at the problem: always frustrated. I speak to You like I’m religious, and do you know what is the result of this, God? Frustration… people know that I am going to the Church, they know that I follow Jesus, but they see someone that is weak! I don’t give testimony of the Lord! I give a pathetic testimony… I am a super sentimental person and I don’t accept being like this!”
Realize, my cybernaut friend, that when I focus on what I want, automatically I speak in a more defined manner and I don’t “feel”, I concentrate where I want to go. That is an intelligent prayer. When you look at the promise, you put all your strength in favor of the result you want to have.
Another question, when you listen to the service that is being given; for example, last Sunday: here in Portugal, it was about the people that remained firm after Jesus’ resurrection. Even after suffering persecution, they remained together and what happened with those 500 people? They were baptized with the Holy Spirit!!! When you reason during the service, ask yourself, “What is making me a weak, fragile person? Like when I get distracted with television, thinking frivolous things, I realize all my effort in doing but not in being firm…so, I have to be confident, use my faith because that is what is going to bring certainty and what will make me have strength. I have been a frustrated person, but I will not be like that, no!” And that’s how you will be abe to use that moment to have different attitudes in your life. You don’t act the same way, because now you act with determination. This reveals a faith that is in accordance with what is written: “Faith is the assurance of things that are going to happen, and the conviction of facts that are not visible!” When you have conviction, my cybernaut friend, even if the circumstances are not in your favor, you look forward. When you do so, the circumstances don’t turn fragile, no on the contrary, they allow you to use faith, because you see an opportunity in the problem, to demonstrate to God that you are firm and that your faith cannot be shaken. Show that you have conviction on the promises and and on His words, and above all, that you are with Him. Moreover, if there exits any weakness inside of you, express it to God, whatever it is, and resolve it. You see, fellow cybernaut, an intelligent prayer presupposes definition and a determined set of action.
Next week I will speak more about this topic.
-You are going to invite 5 people to listen to this audio. I don’t know how you are going to do it: just be close the them while you’re listening to it and bring your computer if you have to…. these 5 people have to hear so that they will have results from intelligent faith and prayer.
Wherever you are, be it Brasil, Angola, Mozambique… speak to the Pastor’s Wife of your Church, invite members, invite youths to listen… and leave your comments of what happened below: what you did and what you received from this audio.
Fellow cybernaut, I want you to “pay me back” with your life (your testimony).
A big hug and until next week!
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6th April 2017 at 15:30
Wow Mrs Vee
I am blessed by this audio.
To understand that when u stop looking at the problem and start reasoning with God..He indeed reward us with a peace of mind in the midst of the storm.
5th June 2016 at 22:12
As an individual, I can be emotional to the point it will effect everything in my spiritual life.
And what I have received from this audio is the necessity in focusing my mind when praying, and the fact that not only do I need to be intelligent when praying, but I need to be intelligent and go against what I’m feeling to reach where I need to
22nd April 2015 at 18:18
Thank you Mrs. Viviane!
I do have to say that the audio that you shared with us is great and exactly what I needed to hear.
And you are right.
Our prayers at times are not being answered because we are not doing it right.
Most of the time they are based on emotion and expressing to God how we feel instead of basing our prayers on His word and my faith.
I will most definitely share this audio with friends and young ladies in the youth group and I will share with you their reactions 😀
Kelebogile Moesi
21st April 2015 at 15:00
Thank you Mrs Vivi
I just realized that most of the time are just emotional not based upon the word of God.
I have learned to base my prayer on the word of God and using my faith.
I am enlightened.
fikir Asmrome
19th April 2015 at 16:51
very powerful!!