Assistants without transparency

Viviane Freitas

  • 7
  • Nov
  • 2013

Assistants without transparency

  • 7
  • Nov
  • 2013

Once again, I clearly see the need to talk about the importance of showing a good testimony.

I have seen within the assistants some false testimonies.

They say to be testimonies of Christ, but they don’t give true testimony in their everyday lives!

Assistants who show to be very spiritual, counsel people, expel demons, speak in a “holy” sweet and low voice have also shown to be a bad example in their home with their loved ones. Inside the church they have an exceptional behavior but, out there, out of sight of others they act like a nonbeliever. But, the worst thing is that they become blind thinking that their embarrassing actions out there are forgiven because of the deeds they perform as an assistant.

The reason for this spiritual imbalance is that they think they are being greatly used by the Holy Spirit in the Work of God, and believe to be their own god. With this, they try to fill the void they have inside. They are empty and sad inside, but when they are questioned about their spiritual status they have the courage to hide it by saying that all is well. They aren’t sincere with the Pastor, they’re afraid to expose themselves to him.
This is a very serious matter, and it’s a sad reality of many! What is more serious is that their lives are on fire, not the fire of God, but another kind of eternal fire.

In today’s article, I want to alert you of the need to be transparent and not hide what’s inside by trying to be something you’re not. It’s important to be aware that the fact that you’re being used by God doesn’t measure how holy you are before Him. Remember that God used a donkey to speak to Balaam and that didn’t make the donkey pure or holy.

In reading this article you saw your true self and now what is the next step?

I ask a favor of you, which will only help you, don’t waste any more time fix yourself before God, be transparent. It’s better to suffer now, and humble your pride than not to be recognized by God. Don’t hold anything back!

You may say, but I don’t want to stop being an assistant! In fact, by doing so, you’re no longer an assistant of the Body of Christ. You only have the name and the uniform.

What we most often hear is that the lives of those who behave this way doesn’t progress in any area. Everything goes wrong, nothing moves forward. How can there be honor, if they haven’t honored God with a transparent testimony?

” …those who honor Me I will honor, and those who despise Me shall be lightly esteemed.”
(1 Samuel 2:30)
Your life is the image of the Lord whom you serve. You decide and make your choice.

What has prevented you from being transparent?

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8 comentários

  1. i learnt that i should be transparent, humble myself by seeking help if there is a need. being Holy has nothing to do with doing the work of God, its about my admitting my spiritual state before Him.

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  2. I also learnt that just because I acquire responsibilities in the church does not mean I am holy before God yet I must b pure and holy through living a transparent life.

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  3. Dear Mrs Vivi
    Thank you so much for this post it spoke to me a lot ,I am now going to start praying about it,that if there is anything wrong I am doing before God,may He please show me so that I may repent.thank you so much.*kisses*

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  4. At one point I used to pretend who I was and all this stopped when all was falling apart.

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  5. Title and position does not matter as long as you are sincere and transparent before God and men. You can try to act holy for a long time, but whatever is hidden is always revealed. Whatever is in the dark, will come to light.

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  6. Thank you for sharing this i have opened my eyes now and i can see the seriousness of being untransparent

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