Assistants with a pure heart
- 29
- May
- 2014
As you already know, we are talking of the Beatitudes that Jesus taught His disciples.
Today I will be very direct and to the point with my words because the beatitude we will talk about is clear and at the same time very deep.
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.”
When my heart is unclean, corrupted by malice because of bad eyes and vanity, then automatically my eyes are blinded to see God. How so?
Our dirty feelings blind our vision and don’t allow us to see God on the contrary; we can only see what is physical.
When we go through a difficult situation we won’t be able to see the opportunities. When our attention is called we do not see it as the love of God taking care of us, but instead we see it as an “injustice”.
How can we have a pure heart? That is the big question!
When we clean, nothing stays clean forever. For example, when you clean your house you always need to go back and clean again or you’ll be back to square one, in other words, it requires constant maintenance and cleaning. The same applies to our spiritual “home”. The idea that the many years of doing the work of God, or because we are very useful assistant makes us immune to everything, is wrong, nothing guarantees us to maintain a pure heart.
An unclean heart makes a person live in darkness and because it is misleading it makes the person feel as if they are in the light and see God, but all they see is their own way according to their own will.
Analyze your heart to see if you’re an assistant who cannot see God in the small details, or even in life’s adversities. If so, it means that your interior is obstructed.
Be honest with yourself, acknowledge your state and repent, start hating the situation you find yourself in. Go to the Lord Jesus with sincerity for only He can cleanse you from the filthiness of the flesh!
I would like to read your comment on today’s article.
A hug.
9th June 2020 at 9:17
Very important lesson to me that I learnt resently is to keep my heart clean.
No matter what comes to try to make it dirty,l have to resist . My heart belongs to the Holy spirit.Amen.
May Mestidio
15th January 2015 at 22:50
Hello Mrs.,
Good morning!
Thank you for this post. It is helpful.
God bless!
7th January 2015 at 20:40
Dear Mrs Luisa
Thank you for sharing this message. I couldn’t agree more, a pure heart needs constant maintanence and whats important is recorgnizing that our hearts have been unpure and in discovering this; to humble ourselves before our Lord Jesus to ask forgiveness and strength to reject evil suggestions.
Lerato Moleleki
30th October 2014 at 8:30
Most of the time when one is in had moments a thought comes that he/she is facing injustice but when you have a clean heart is by maintaining your spiritual life,analyzing your mistakes and fix them and most of al investing daily in yours spiritual life.
Thando South Africa
29th October 2014 at 21:10
amen.. we realy need to keep cleaning our spirtual home(heart) for us to have a clean heart or else we will never see God. strong indeed thnk u so much