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- Jul
- 2013
Assistants that are resistant
- 25
- Jul
- 2013
I’ll tell you something that didn’t surprise me, but I believe to be a big “eye opener” for all of you. It’s about last week’s article.
I received some comments that revealed deep dissatisfaction with what I wrote about the biggest and most effective prayer, which without any doubt to counsel the people and to go on to the battlefield. Remember?
These harsh comments made me think of something very serious. Assistants who don’t allow themselves to see their true state, who don’t look within themselves and worst of all aren’t open to change.
What does it mean when you’re asked to reason, to stop and analyze, to think and evaluate who you truly are and you don’t do it?
Is this intelligent faith? Of course not! Quite the contrary, it only shows resistance, that you want to do things your way and that you want to continue living the same way.
This type of Assistant creates a tough and powerful barrier for herself, which is almost impossible to get through. This barrier is not protecting you from evil. It just isn’t allowing anything new into your life.
You have your mind set on the same thing you don’t accept any change, which is for your own good. Because you’re so involved in your own “little world” you can’t see the spiritual side of this warning.
The Pastor for example, can’t change something within the church, or even change the responsibility entrusted to him just because he thinks he has the right to.
Sadly, this is the reality amongst the Assistants.
Over the years, many have become opposed to many things, which aren’t visible to those around them, and might not even be detected by the person. That’s why when someone calls their attention, or talks about something that makes them feel uncomfortable she “spits her venom,” words like: “Oh, it’s not quite like that, it’s better this way, but I’ve always done it this way, it’s not how I learned, Oh, but I’m not like that… ”
This “venom” is deadly not for those who hear, but for the person who says it.
I leave you with this warning, so you can take care of your salvation, your inner being so you can become more flexible and sensitive to the voice of God. Let me be clear that our goal is for you to grow in your faith and become a reference!
Leave your comment and tell me if you have the “ears” to understand what has been passed on to you.
“See that you do not refuse Him who speaks. For if they did not escape who refused Him who spoke on earth, much more shall we not escape if we turn away from Him who speaks from heaven, (Hb.12: 25)
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Leyli Ayala
3rd April 2015 at 19:33
Disobedience to do something that is asked for our own good and we don’t take action shows we don’t care anymore and the fear has left. We can’t be proud or think we now it all. We must humble ourselves and analyse our spirital state everyday because by this type of attitude of not taking action to stop,think and analyse ourselves we are putting our Salvation at risk and as a servant we are not pleasing our Lord. We can’t do what we want to do we have to have disiple and submit to do Gods will not our own. We were saved to save.
15th August 2013 at 10:28
Thank you Mrs Viviane for the message.
8th August 2013 at 19:20
A pride servant is limited to grow. But a humble servant grows forever. Thank you very much for the message Mrs.
ms guni,england
2nd August 2013 at 22:48
Very eye opening as this attitude opens up to the spirit of Pride – where you now Know everything.
Flesh is now at work it is no longer the HOLY SPIRIT.
2nd August 2013 at 18:00
Wow, this message is so strong. I am not an assistant but I do take this message as a warning and encouragement to grow stronger spiritually and to not be complacent in my walk with God. This indeed is an eye opener for me and I myself need to start changing my approach to my spiritual life and to become more vigilant.
Thank you Mrs. Teixeira for this message because its like a manual to me to guide me and awaken my faith.