Assistants, how to can you manage all your responsibilities?

Viviane Freitas

  • 24
  • Oct
  • 2013

Assistants, how to can you manage all your responsibilities?

  • 24
  • Oct
  • 2013

” Hello! I would like for you to one day write an article about how an assistant can manage college, work, and her spiritual life.

There are so many sad cases where former assistants let their faith go cold because they didn’t know how to manage such activities, others fear going to college, study, work, help at home, in church, and eventually run out of time or are too tired for their spiritual life… ”

Dear assistant,

Actually this is a very serious and worrisome subject because when we are trapped in our busy lifestyle we tend to neglect some area in our ​​life. Unfortunately, we have seen that the most affected area is the spiritual life. But, why? Is it because they’re not of God? Or they lack guidance? No, does aren’t the reason why!

The problem is that when we are busy, we end up not having time to think, to look within ourselves, and this is not good because we fail to hear the Voice of God and seek His guidance for our life.
The only thing that’s in our mind is fulfilling our responsibilities because we don’t want to look bad and this is how our spiritual life will suffer the consequences. This is one of the shrewdest traps that the devil has used to imprison many servants.

The reality is that when we take on numerous commitments we tend to nurture this anxiety that bombards an intense concern in our minds, and worst of all, we will reap the consequences of this state of imbalance. We will be mentally and physically worn out, suffer sleep loss, and even be frustrated because we have failed to comply with all the work that has been put in our hands.

What good will all of this bring? How will it benefit our lives?

I know you’re wondering right now, “But how can I manage all of my responsibilities? I can’t abandon them… ”

I agree with you, you shouldn’t abandon them! However, you should pause to observe carefully how all of this has affected your spiritual life. If you come to the conclusion that you can’t handle such workload, then you need to urgently make choices, give up something, except your commitment with God! Many let their faith go cold because they think they can be ” superwoman ” and take on the whole world.

Don’t forget that in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven we must renounce. Many aren’t willing to pay that price. This is the reason why many eventually fall into the anxious solicitude of life, as it is written in Matthew, chapter 6, and verses 25-34.

Who is more important for you? Think about it!

Obviously, you won’t stop doing what is necessary! But also, you shouldn’t put anything ahead of God and putting your salvation at risk. I advice you to think very carefully before taking on responsibilities that will require most of your effort and time and will interfere with your communion with God or won’t let you commit 100 % to your calling, which is to be a soul winner!

Everyone is different! How so? Each person has his or her own limit. Some can handle many things while others not so much. It’s up to us to make this assessment.
Now, one thing is certain: ” … But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” (Matthew 6: 33, 34)

I ask you, did you manage to understand the gravity of the situation? Have you ever experienced this or are experiencing it now? Tell us about it! Leave your comments. Don’t forget that your comments can help others.

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6 comentários

  1. This has been bagging me for some time but i now understand that as a servant i must set priorities in my life balancing my daily schedule and doing the work of God with out excuse. By putting the work of God in the first priority and this will enable me to grow spiritually every day.

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  2. this is very helpful as I am a mum who works full time and struggles to balance my job, parenting, being a wife, cleaning my house and my spiritual life. I would like to be an assistant one day and many times i wonder how I will manage as my dtr and son are still young. This message opens my eyes that the focus has to be my spiritual life and I have to learn to prioritize and balance my life. Thanks

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  3. Assessing my self and making sure my priority is my communion with God! This is what I got from this message. I work most of the week and get home so tired and sometimes it’s a struggle to even have time for myself. So I decide to look at this and balance. It’s helping me but I’ve still got a long way to go. Thank you for this inspiration. God bless you always.

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  4. The night vigil for me is i have to identify the pride in me. and for me to humble myself it help me and i am so glad for this event of the taken off your sandals off my feet.

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  5. Thank you for sharing this… This is currently my predicament since I moved closer to university, moved branch and found that the closest church to me is just under 2 hours away, but my university is about a 10 minute walk. Things were getting harder and I found that I was nothing like how I use to be in being counted on and even simply being around more often. Due to this I decided to move home which is 20 mins from the church and now I’d travel to University. I think it’s better to have to travel hours to your place of study rather than hours to your place of worship. Priorities.

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  6. Good morning, know how to prioritize is very important not to end up doing things that are not so important and let the most important for later and end it not doing them.

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