Assistant that does not deny!
- 18
- Jun
- 2015
This week, deepening myself into the story of Abraham, I saw something so deep and so clear at the same time. I think it is the answer to the questions that often surround our thoughts. That is why I would like to share with you what God has shown me, and I have the most absolute certainty that it will open your eyes and answer your questions.
Observe together what God said to Abram:“…’I am the Lord, who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldeans to give you this land to take possession of it.” But Abram said, “Sovereign Lord, how can I know that I will gain possession of it?”
So the Lord said to him,
“Bring me a heifer, a goat and a ram, each three years old, along with a dove and a young pigeon.” (Genesis 15: 7-9)
Today, God speaks in the same way with us. He hasn’t changed … He is the same! And also says to those who serve Him, the same words of encouragement and above all that His promises remain standing.
Well, maybe you ask yourself right now: But how is this word related to me, I being an assistant?
Certainly it’s not a few times, before something new that comes up in your life, such as: a challenging situation, a new responsibility, or facing a difficult time, where you don’t see the Promises of God, but only your limitations…the same question that Abram asked God is unleashed in your thinking, “How will I know that I will inherit it?”
In other words, and in today’s language:
How to know that God is with me? How to make sure that I’ll do well in this situation that is before my eyes? Like this here, like that there? And the questions go on…
Clearly see what God asked Abram and also asks of each one of us: HE asked for 5 animals. And it was precisely this number that caught my attention, because we have five senses. God revealed to Abraham the path to success in all aspects: the Sacrifice of his “I”. Here is the answer to many questions: the Sacrifice of the 5 senses to live by the 6th sense—Faith! When there is this complete and total surrendering, then it is impossible for there no to exist direction and inspiration for those who want to be an instrument in the hands of the Only God.
What do you have to say about today’s article? What became clear to you?
Rita Melendiz
2nd May 2016 at 20:00
If we obey Gods word there’s no room for doubt.
Michelle Ramirez
17th April 2016 at 23:32
This article helped me alot because it went straight to the point. Use my faith! Don’t let myself give up on anything and most importantly when it comes to my spirituality. Don’t depend to much on the strength of my own arms but act strongly by faith!
28th July 2015 at 12:47
Thank you for the message …
my eyes are now open,to live by the sixth sense i must sacrifice the 5 senses that i have.