Assistant, does your word have honor?

Luisa Teixeira

  • 20
  • Aug
  • 2015

Assistant, does your word have honor?

  • 20
  • Aug
  • 2015

Unfortunately, what we have seen more in our midst today is that many don’t honor their word. Any adverse circumstance is enough to go back on their commitment!

Note what is written:

All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.”   (Matthew 5:37)

I would like to ask you the following questions:
Has your word been yes, yes; no, no?
When does it go beyond that?

I will give you examples of behaviors, let’s cut to the chase…

  • When you give excuses and don’t accept your mistake;
  • When you omit a serious situation, which is detrimental to the salvation of others or the work of God;
  • When you do everything to hide your true state, that you’re not well spiritually, and you live by appearances;
  • When your intention is to please others and sometimes you even end up unbalanced because you don’t have the courage to say no;
  • When you live seeking glory or approval and therefore you “do it your way” in order to achieve what you want;
  • When you makeup an argument so you don’t have to say what really happened, because you don’t want to be affected;
  • When you don’t go straight to the point in order not to displease;
  • When you’re asked about a situation that you witnessed, but conceal the truth, convincing yourself that the Holy Spirit will show everything, being that He has already shown it;
  • When you say a “white lie” to avoid future problems…

These are some of the behaviors that demonstrate that your word is not Honorable and worst of all is… that those who live like this, are pleasing the devil, him or herself, and others—everyone but God! The most serious fact is that they are far from salvation!

I would like you to reflect on this matter and especially be true to yourself.

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12 comentários

  1. This is so true and it’s something I always have to be careful of.My words have power so whatever I say reflects who I am inside .I need to honour my words and practice what I say . The words i say cannot risk the chance of my salvation

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  2. Hi mrs vavian,thanks for this link,when we are true to our selfs than we can be true to athers and if we are not well spiritual even if we can look good it dont have any hornor,for what come out of our mouth is from the heart and i understand that one’s salvation is important and ones we know how to take care of our spiritual life than we will know how to care of othe’s salvation.

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  3. thanks God that He used you to speak to me, for He has revealed something great, we once had a meeting with the bishop he mentioned something very significant, which has never left my mind ever since and i prayed that God reveal to me what it means, what the bishop said was that being an assistant can actually lead you to hell, and after reading this post God has revealed what it meant, cause sometimes like you mentioned that when someone does everything to hide his\her true state, sometimes we put on an appearance when we are before the people or even the other assistant as if we are okay were as we are not because of fear to be judged or even think that we are placed there by mistake, you may even find that outside the church we are not even half the person i am in the church which then leads to living a double life and eventually get tired of it and even stop coming to the church and start living as please outside.
    i thank God for this revelation, and i pray that He may continue to use you more and more. stay blessed

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  4. Thank you for sharing this is something God has been speaking to me lately and this words of wisdom have just truly showed me something. Thank you

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  5. Yes Mrs words has and the is
    the certainty of my salvation
    Many we children of God end up losing in God because we so much on pleasing men which sometimes seems to be right but don’t even forgive and forget for
    they focus only for themselves but God can’t change there is no way He can.We can honor our if fear no way we can deceive ourselves.

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  6. Buenas noches señora viviane. Respecto a su publicación, me parece acertada,porque aveces caemos en el error de mentir para no decir la verda, pero anteriormente la palabra era más importante y la gente respetaba, pero hoy día todo estás cosas se an perdido. Y bien es
    Verda que no entendemos que Dios le gusta la verda que es Dios de palabra, y nos viene enseñando hace mucho tiempo, yo pongo en práctica estás cosas.

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