Assistant, do you sow discord?

Viviane Freitas

  • 9
  • Jan
  • 2014

Assistant, do you sow discord?

  • 9
  • Jan
  • 2014

“These six things the LORD hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren.” (Prov. 6:16-9)

We had six consecutive posts that addressed things that God hates, and many assistants have shared with me how much these warnings have helped them. The reason for that is they interpreted this biblical passage as something exterior, which they would never relate to. For them, this was about a distant reality.

The truth is that few recognize that they displease God with their attitudes and actions because it is painful to speak of the mistakes we make, for it affects our position, our reputation and our image.

Nevertheless, to recognize our mistake is more productive than to hide it, because when we are humble and recognize who we are, automatically we receive the opportunity to learn, which translates into spiritual growth. And in this manner, yes, we please God.

Do you remember when Jesus spoke of the parable of the Pharisee and the Publican? He did it precisely for those that trusted in themselves, because they considered themselves righteous and looked down on others. (Luke 18:9-14)

Notice that this warning is very serious, and it clearly reveals to us a characteristic that God desires to find in His servants. Meditate on this, please.
In today’s post, we addressed what is considered abominable before God’s eyes. Notice that it deals with the person that practices such things and not with the action itself.
This subject is delicate and requires thoughtful self-analyses.

Unfortunately, many waste time speaking ill of others or instigating one person against another. Let’s be sincere: to sow discords is easy and momentary, to end discords is difficult. And this process begins inside a person, because she carries in her inner self something that is not good. She does not want to swallow her pride, and for this reason she ends up making negative comments.

This is so serious, beloved assistants, that there is a profound need for you to watch your own words, your comments among your fellow companions, etc. Or do you want to be abominable before God’s eyes?

Do you know what it means to be abominable?

Confirm in the dictionary: worthy of disgust or hatred; detestable; repulsive; loathsome: abominable crime. That cannot be tolerated; intolerable: abominable behavior.
Is this how you want to be seen by God?
And when is it that I do this?

For example:
– When you make bad comments about someone, even if you say that you mean no harm;
– When you tell someone of an action that you did not expect from your pastor, a fellow assistant or a member, and you say you are just getting something off your chest; Remember that you don’t know how the other person will react, or if they are prepared to hear something like that;
– When you form a “group” of friends, while leaving others out, because you say you don’t identify with them. With this kind of behavior you are making way for discords;
I ask that you meditate profoundly on your behavior, see what offends God and, above all, what is abominable in His eyes. And if you happen to detect something in you, be humble and recognize it, because God loves this attitude and has pleasure in it.
A warm hug,

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4 comentários

  1. I was reading through some of your blog posts on this website and I think this website is rattling instructive! Keep posting .

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  2. I have done all of the above.i am on my way to change.

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  3. I thank the Holy Spirit for rebuking me,for showing me the things that I need to fix,change and improve. I thank Him for guiding me all the time. And I thank you Dona Luisa for sharing this message. This article confirms what’s happening in me. I’m not an assistant but have the same faith and Spirit.May our God Bless you and use you more.

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  4. It’s very true about sowing discords. In many cases we feel so right to speak out what we think annoyed us but we should be careful what we bring up out of that. Now I know how to react in this situations where someone tries to feed me with things that make me to have bad eyes. Whether we like it or not what we hear about someone will give us an attitude towards that person either way. I’ve learnt not to sow discords and not allow them to be sowed in me. Thanks Mrs Viviane.

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